
9 arguments in favor of having a second child

Although in Bulgaria it can hardly be said that the state currently creates sufficiently favorable conditions for the birth of a second child.

However, let us recall what the conditions are for this, except the right to maternity leave for a period of 410 days, of which 45 days before the birth.

During this leave, the mother receives 90% of the average gross salary for a period of 18 months before the start of the leave in the form of compensation from the National Social Insurance Institution for the insured social risk maternity.

The government plans to extend this period to 24 months when the 2015 state budget is adopted.

Furthermore, at the Mother’s Social Assistance Agency BGN 600 is granted at the birth of a one-time allowance for a second child, while it is BGN 250 for the first. And in addition, child allowances for a family member with an income of less than BGN 350 for a second child are BGN 50, and for the first this amount is smaller – BGN 35.

But besides state support for the birth of a second child, there are other arguments in favor of increasing the family.

Here are some of them:

1. Children adapt early to life in a group if they have brothers or sisters. They have the opportunity to build relationships not only with adults in the form of their parents, but also with their peers, and this greatly facilitates their communication when they start kindergarten and subsequently at school.

2. Parents who raise only one child need to use all their free time to deal with him: to play, draw and honor him. This is natural, because the child needs attention and he needs communication with a close person. If there are two children in the family, they most often play with each other. Parents get the opportunity to take care of their affairs during their free time.

3. In a family with several children, the likelihood of the formation of such negative qualities as laziness, vanity and selfishness decreases. From an early age, children understand that their interests and wishes are important to parents, but they should not violate the interests of other family members. Children get used to taking into account the opinions and feelings of others.

4. The financial costs after the second child are much less. Experienced parents are more rational when buying clothes and things for the child. Some toys are probably left over from the older child, of course if the parents didn’t manage to give them away. Thus, in fact, a significant reduction in the family budget is achieved.

5. Sociological studies of parents who raise two children show that the most appropriate age difference between the first and second child is 4 years. In this case, the first-born child has become more independent, painlessly perceives the appearance of another child in the house and can even help take care of him.

6. The second child strengthens the family. If the spouses decide to have more children, it means that the family has successfully passed the crisis period after the birth of the first child.

7. With the appearance of the second child, upbringing is no longer of such a spontaneous nature. Parents already have experience in interacting with children, they can correct their behavior, which means they can avoid such mistakes that they may have made with their first child.

8. It should be noted that when two children grow up in the family, the younger ones learn the habits of the older ones and develop faster.

9. In a family with two children, parents do not try to be overprotective, which is often observed in couples raising only one child.

Of course, the decision to give birth to a second child is solely up to the parents themselves and it must be realized. The arguments given here in favor of the appearance of a second child in the family can only serve as an occasion for reflection on these questions.

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