
Why breakfast isn’t really important at all

All of us from early childhood hear from our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers the following: you should eat breakfast alone, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.

Also, we know that breakfast is the most important meal, because it gives us energy for the whole day. But all of this is true…not true. It turned out that breakfast is not as important as everyone talks and writes.

This is proven by the results of research conducted by scientists at the University of Bath, Great Britain. It was they who found that the first meal of the day practically does not affect the next or the amount of food a person is able to swallow. Metabolism does not suffer from this either.

Scientists are convinced that the good health of people who eat a good breakfast is likely due to their overall healthy eating habits.

It should be noted that at the end of the 6th week of the experiment, the scientists found differences in the metabolism of the study participants who did not consume anything and those who consumed 700 calories by 11am.

The difference was that the participants who did not eat breakfast consumed fewer calories throughout the day. However, most of the volunteers who ate breakfast burned an average of 442 calories more and were mostly active in the morning after the first meal. They also had more stable blood sugar indicators.

One of the authors of the study notes that most people are convinced that breakfast is the most important meal. However, to this day scientists do not know how breakfast affects health and whether it affects it at all.

People who eat breakfast regularly are generally slimmer and healthier than others. In addition, most of them adhere to most of the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. They eat a balanced diet and most of them do sports.

Some time ago, scientists from the University of Alabama, USA, conducted a similar experiment in which they divided the participants into 3 groups.

Volunteers in the first group skipped breakfast, in the second group they always had breakfast, and the participants in the third group continued to eat, as before the study began.

After four months, a slight decrease in body weight of 500 grams was found in the participants and in the three groups.

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