
9 secrets of longevity

No need to look for the fountain of youth because we have collected the 9 most important factors for it in one place here for you. From the multimillion-dollar antiaging supplement industry to science labs around the world, everyone wants to learn the secret to longevity.

Recently, scientists made some discoveries related to life expectancy by studying the blood of a 115-year-old woman.

According to the results published in one of the most prestigious American journals, daily moderate physical activity leads to fewer physical disabilities in old age, as well as a longer, active and healthy life.< /p>

New and new discoveries about longevity emerge every day, but before scientists discover something truly fundamental to stop time, here’s a quick look at what you can do now:

1. Your personality affects your life expectancy. “The longevity project”, one of the largest studies in the world now, which has been carried out for over 8 decades, scientists from Stanford University found that conscientiousness beats all others personal qualities as far as life expectancy is concerned.

Qualities like prudence and organization, and sometimes even a certain degree of obsession and lack of carelessness, are all qualities that actually, believe it or not, help people live longer.

It is widely believed that relaxed and carefree people live longer, but in fact, in most cases, this is not the case. Mindful and responsible behavior actually leads people to make healthy choices every day.

The strict and meticulous people are much more careful and pretentious when choosing where to work, where to live, whom to marry, whether to smoke, how fast to drive and whether to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

2. Your diet matters. Big. Most studies on people’s eating habits and their life expectancy undoubtedly show that the food we eat is of great importance.

Most centenarians live in the countries along the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, which are distinguished by a specific diet very rich in fruits, vegetables, olive nuts, olive oil and the like.

Diet has been largely linked to good health in the elderly, lower risk of cardiovascular disease and even memory quality. Scientists are categorical – diet is one of the most important factors in longevity.

3. Of course, genes are also a factor. If your parents lived long, that doesn’t mean you will, but there are still some biological factors.

The questionable study of the 115-year-old woman we mentioned earlier shows that stem cell depletion may be one of the causes of death in healthy people who are over 100 years old.

This means that as the stem cell supply runs out, a person’s time is effectively running out. Another study suggests that some people may be less prone to disease or have different levels of brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine that give them an advantage by better controlling body functions.

4. Staying in school for a longer time will add several years to your life. Education is quite often associated with longer life. A 2012 study found that people with a bachelor’s degree or higher lived an average of 9 years longer than people who did not complete high school.

The latest studies show that education is actually among the more important factors, and is even more important than an individual’s race and income. Educated people tend to have easier jobs, plan their future better, and overall make better life choices.

5. Work stress isn’t necessarily bad for you. Working hard doesn’t mean work stress will harm you. Studies show that, for the most part, centenarians are precisely people who have worked hard, regardless of profession.

Many skeptics say they doubt whether a hard-working person can truly enjoy life. However, the studies are conclusive – healthy working people are less stressed and unhappy, but on the other hand happier healthy and socially connected, especially if they work until an older age.

6. Calmness helps. Some studies show that a sense of peace of mind can have a positive effect on life expectancy.

A study of people who attended meditation courses for 3 months showed that during this period they increased the activity of the enzyme telomerase, which is associated with aging, by 30%. The findings are in their very early stages, but they do show that the mind can have an effect on the body.

7. You don’t have to be an optimist. While the impact of positive thinking on stress is constantly debated, studies show that thinking positively isn’t always healthy. If you are overly optimistic about a problem or health condition, you may not consider some of the side effects and drawbacks that can harm you.

8. Being social is critical. Having a strong social group and stable friendships is associated with longevity.

Women have stronger social ties and this is considered the main reason for their higher life expectancy than men. Women more often seek support from their relatives and friends and traditionally like to talk about their fears and concerns.

This helps them cope with problems more easily, strengthens relationships with other people, helps them regulate stress and improves immune function.

9. Standing still is the worst thing you can do. Studies show that staying in one place for long periods of time puts people at risk for health and shortens life. A 2012 study found that every hour spent sitting still (for example, watching TV) after the age of 25 shortens life expectancy by 22 minutes.

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