
9 unknown facts about sex

It is no secret to anyone that sex is not only pleasant, but also beneficial for health.

Do we actually know enough about sex?

Scientists are constantly discovering many interesting facts about sex, such as how income or occupation affects lovemaking.

Here are nine facts about sex that almost none of us know.

The more sex a woman wants, the more demanding she is of her partner

It turns out that the more one night stand women want, the more demanding they are to the external attractiveness of the partner.

Regardless of the fact that they are not interested in conception, women subconsciously try to choose the male with the best genotype.

Men, in turn, pay less attention to a woman’s appearance when it’s just about sex.

Does your wife earn more? You may develop impotence

The more money, the more problems. According to a study conducted in Denmark among more than 200 couples, most of the men whose wives earn more at home suffer from erectile dysfunction.

In turn, women who earn money with an impressive number of zeroes often suffer from anxiety and insomnia.

Obviously, deviation from the established role stereotype in the family leads to psychological and physiological problems.

Alcohol and sex make people happier than children

Let’s talk about sex and children. Scientists from New Zealand conducted a study, asking respondents to describe the most enjoyable, important and exciting types of activities.

Sex came first in all three groups. Drinking alcohol was placed in second place, and taking care of children – only in fifth place.

People were considered to be the happiest, in whose lives all three types of activities are present – sex, alcohol, raising children.

Economists have the most sex

Can love be bought? According to a survey of over 5,000 students from 100 UK universities, economics students had an average of 5 sexual partners during their studies.

At the same time, students from the faculties of natural sciences have not been able to boast of more than two partners. It is believed that economists are distinguished by high intelligence and broad views, which strongly attracts the opposite sex.

Housework robs men of sex

A study of 4,500 couples found that men who regularly did the typical female household chores of ironing, washing and cooking were much less likely to have sex< /strong> than their colleagues, who are not so home-minded.

Scientists explain this by the fact that men who hold an ax or a wrench look much sexier than while washing dishes. It should be noted that the study did not examine the quality of sex in these couples.

Sex is better for couples who travel together

A study shows that partners who travel together at least once a year are more satisfied with their sex lives.

77 percent of respondents who took a trip with their partner rated their sex life highly. Among those who prefer to stay at home, this percentage is 66.

In addition, 83% of couples noted that spending time together brings more warmth and romance to their relationship than gifts.

The more partners in youth, the more bad habits in adulthood

A study conducted in New Zealand claims that those who had many sexual partners in their early youth were much more prone to drug or alcohol addiction with age. If you had more than 3 partners in a year, the risk of developing these addictions increased 17 times.

Scientists believe that promiscuous relationships and addictions relate to risky behavior, differing only in the age at which they occur.

Sex against a headache

If you refuse sex to your partner because of a headache, you are making a huge mistake!

According to a study of 800 people who suffered from regular headaches and another 200 who had migraines, in 60% of cases sex reduced migraine symptoms, and in 37% of respondents it reduced the intensity of headache pain. Scientists believe that this is related to the release of endorphins during intercourse.

Sex burns less than 21 calories

Sex is no reason to skip your workout. It turns out that the claims that 300-400 calories are burned during sex are not true.

According to data from the New England Journal of Medicine, the average intercourse lasts an average of 6 minutes (sad, but isn’t it?), burning less than 21 calories during that time.

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