
Are fats necessary for the absorption of useful substances?

Most of us are aware that fatty foods should be present in our daily diet, as they support the absorption of vitamins, that is, useful substances, in the intestines, but is this true for all types of fat?

First of all, this is determined by what the vitamin itself is – they are divided into fat-soluble /A,D,E, K / and water-soluble /C and from group B/.


Recent research also shows that eating fresh vegetables topped with a little fat in the form of a dressing such as olive oil or cheese /for example you can make a shop salad/ helps the intestinal absorption of the valuable nutrients contained in vegetables such as lycopene and beta carotene.

They have been found to have antioxidant properties and may even protect against cancer.

Now, the results of a new study published in September confirmed the importance of fat for vitamin D absorption by the body.

50 healthy adults took part in the study by scientists from Tufts University, USA. The volunteers were divided into 3 groups.

The first group went on a vitamin D3 diet and a fat-free breakfast consisting of egg whites, fruit, bread and cranberry juice.

For the second group, the breakfast included food sources of monounsaturated /olive oil/, and for the third, polyunsaturated /corn oil / fatty acids.

The aim of the scientists was to find out whether different types of fat somehow affect the absorption of useful substances.

Participants were provided with lunch and dinner, including foods with a similar ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The scientists took blood samples from the participants during the day.

The two groups that had a fatty breakfast had a 32% higher absorption of vitamin D compared to the participants in the no-fat group.

When vitamin D3 in the form of a food supplement is taken with fatty foods its absorption is significantly improved. But the ratio between polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats does not affect absorption.

Calcium is not fat soluble, so its absorption is not aided by the release of bile fluid in the small intestine. When we consume foods that are sources of fat, we help break down the fat itself and fat-soluble vitamins.

Scientists note, however, that it is difficult to determine exactly how much fatty food should be consumed to maximize absorption of fat-soluble nutrients.

Researchers recommend not trying to get calcium and vitamin D through dietary supplements.

And according to them, if we eat a varied diet, the rate of absorption of vitamins should not be a cause for concern, unless, of course, we suffer from a disease that somehow affects the absorption of nutrients in intestines.

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