
Black turnip

Black radish is the most bitter, but also the most useful. This type of turnip does not contain a large amount of vitamins, but the composition of this vegetable is perfectly balanced.

Black turnip is a biennial vegetable plant widely distributed throughout Europe, Asia and North America. It is preferable to sow this plant in humus-rich and moist soil.

All turnips are root crops and are also used for therapeutic purposes. And for food, both the root crops and the fresh leaves of this vegetable are used.

Beneficial properties

Black turnip contains proteins, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose and fructose, fats, provitamin A /carotene/, retinol /vitamin A/, vitamin B9, K, ascorbic acid, trace elements, iron , calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc.

Large amounts of macro- and microelements make black turnip a valuable source of nutrients, especially in early spring, when the human body is prone to various diseases.

Using the root of this vegetable /due to the high content of vegetable fibers/ has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system, normalizes intestinal function and nourishes the tissue of the gastrointestinal tract.

Black turnip is recommended to be used as a prophylactic against colds, kidney stone disease and atherosclerosis.

This vegetable contains useful organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes, phytoncides, essential oils, proteins and amino acids.

Black turnip improves metabolism, increases immunity, supports digestive processes. It is also a natural analogue of a broad-spectrum antibiotic, removes excess fluids from the body.

In terms of the amount of phytoncides /essential oils/, black radish is equal to onions and horseradish. It is the phytoncides that give the vegetable a specific bitter taste.

The essential oils of this vegetable have bactericidal properties and, as mentioned above, can even replace antibiotics.

That is why it is desirable to include black radish in the menu of patients with bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, angina, flu, and also and in case of dysbacteriosis, and also in case of dysbacteriosis to restore the balance of the intestinal microflora.

Thanks to the increased content of potassium salts, this root vegetable is suitable for use by people with increased blood pressure and problems with the permeability of blood vessels.

The turnip contributes to the dissolution of slags in the bile ducts and gall bladder, of deposited mineral salts such as sodium chloride in the blood vessels, renal pelvis and bladder.

Black turnip juice is a strong choleretic agent, therefore if there are many mineral salts in the bile ducts, the passage of the bile liquid is difficult and pain in the liver is inevitable.

These painful sensations can be relieved if a warm compress is placed on the upper right side of the abdomen. If the pain is unbearable, continue the procedure until the juice of the black turnip reaches the gall bladder and bile ducts.

Usually the pain is felt only at the beginning of taking this juice and after a few days it completely subsides.

Contraindications for the use of black radish

It is not recommended to use black radish in diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis with increased acidity, enterocolitis, in stage of exacerbation of glomerulonephritis and in case of recent heart attack and in case of toxic goiter and pregnancy.

The use of black turnip juice is contraindicated in diseases of the heart, kidneys, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum.

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