
Broccoli – the most powerful anti-cancer vegetable

Broccoli is the most useful vegetable, aesthetically appealing, has a superb taste, can be used in countless ways in cooking and has a very high nutritional value.

The plant, whose head is used as food, also has anti-cancer properties and is ideal for getting rid of extra pounds.

Broccoli /Brassica oleracea var. italica/ belong to the Cruciferous family which includes cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, radishes and horseradish.

The plant was discovered more than 2000 years ago. in Italy and was among the favorite foods of the Romans.

Its popularity continues to grow even today, as more and more with its exceptional health benefits.

The combination of nutrients that broccoli contains protects against cancer.

In 1992, Johns Hopkins University researcher published his discovery that ingredients in the vegetable prevented the development of cancer in 60% of those observed.

And it also reduces the size of already developed malignancy in up to 75% of people. Today, broccoli is one of the best-selling vegetables in the United States.

Compounds found in the plant are among the most powerful “weapons” in the fight against cancer and contribute to the maintenance of overall health of the human organism.

Broccoli contributes to strengthening the immune system, reducing the frequency of cataracts. The vegetable supports the health of the cardiovascular system, its ingredients are involved in building bones.

Women who regularly consume broccoli have fewer complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

The vegetable is rich in useful nutrients and is very low in calories. 100 g of broccoli contains only 28 calories and 3 grams of protein.

The recommended daily dose of the vegetable contains 67% of our daily vitamin C, 20% of vitamin A and even 110% of vitamin K, which can only be obtained from fermented foods.

In addition to numerous nutrients in its composition, broccoli includes many trace elements and valuable vitamins such as selenium, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and manganese, as well as ballast substances and folic acid / vitamin B9/, which is extremely important for human fertility.

The vegetable contains glucoraphanin, a substance that is processed into a pro-cancer compound in the body. Its properties are significantly weakened if broccoli is heat-treated.

The vegetable is also a very good source of indole-3 carbinol, an ingredient that repairs damaged DNA in cells and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Broccoli contains large amounts of carotenoids, lutein and beta carotene.

Habitual consumption of larger amounts of broccoli reduces the risk of aggressive prostate cancer and is helpful in preventing cardiovascular disease.

However, it should not be overdone, as the sulfate contained in the vegetable can cause nausea and a feeling of bloating in the stomach.

Broccoli is low in calories, but has high nutritional value and that is why it is popular as a super food for weight loss.

Helpful Tips

Broccoli is available all year round in supermarkets, but is best grown in cold weather.

When you buy the vegetable that it should have a fresh, clean “green” aroma and its body should be firm to the touch.

Also, broccoli should have a large and dark green head, avoid when it has bloomed and resembles yellow flowers.

When you want to store the vegetable, do not wash it beforehand. Keep it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. This will prevent it from getting wet and developing mould, you can keep it for up to 5 days.

Broccoli is very sensitive to ethylene – a gas that is released by some fruits and vegetables.

The gas accelerates the spoilage of the vegetable, so you should not store it near:

• Apples, bananas, melons, kiwis and mangoes;
• Carrots, tomatoes, pears and peaches;

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