
Cardiac asthma

What is cardiac asthma?

Cardiac asthma is a condition in which the symptoms of true asthma such as coughing, wheezing or severe difficulty breathing occur due to the inability of the heart to pump blood efficiently – left ventricular heart failure.

As a result, fluid accumulates, which leads to narrowing of the airways. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, wheezing may be a medical emergency.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of cardiac asthma vary in intensity, but most often develop after physical exertion or during sleep.

The main symptoms of cardiac asthma are: shortness of breath, rapid shallow breathing, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, very high blood pressure, feeling anxious and swelling of the ankles.

Symptoms may worsen over time and may wake you up at night due to shortness of breath.

People with cardiac asthma usually wake up due to severe shortness of breath a few hours after falling asleep, but after the onset of shortness of breath, they must remain upright for several hours before they can breathe properly again.

In most cases, severe shortness of breath is the result of prolonged lying down.

What are the causes of cardiac asthma?

It is usually caused by left ventricular heart failure due to which changes in blood flow occur. It is also possible to develop pulmonary congestion and an increase in pressure in the pulmonary arteries.

Fluid collection in the lungs is also likely – pulmonary edema, which causes narrowing of the airways and wheezing is usually in the lower airways.

These wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing are symptoms that mimic true asthma. But true asthma is not associated with heart disease and pulmonary edema.

Treatment of cardiac asthma

First of all, in order to effectively treat cardiac asthma, a correct diagnosis must be made. This involves the attending physician distinguishing between cases of wheezing caused by acute left ventricular heart failure and those in which the spasms are the result of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or pneumonia.

Treatment consists of improving the heart’s ability to pump blood with medication.

If asthma is caused by a malfunctioning heart valve or an opening between the heart chambers, surgery may also be required.

Treatment of cardiac asthma is mainly aimed at controlling the nocturnal cough and wheezing and controlling the amount of residual blood in the left heart chamber.

The patient is prescribed diuretic tablets to release excess fluid from the lungs and drugs to strengthen the heart muscle to allow it to pump blood more efficiently. /em>

Patients suffering from cardiac asthma respond best to combined therapy, which consists of bronchodilators, supplemental oxygen and treatment of heart failure.

Corticosteroids are prescribed only if the patient with acute cardiac asthma has not responded well to initial therapy.

Corticosteroids need a longer time to take effect, about 10-12 hours, which is not available in acute heart failure.

Who are prone to cardiac asthma?

The main reason for the development of cardiac asthma is heart failure. In this heart problem, the heart muscle becomes malfunctioning and cannot pump blood with the necessary efficiency.

This problem leads to fluid retention in various parts of the body, including the lungs of the lungs.

Therefore, when fluid builds up in the lungs, it can cause the airways to constrict, ultimately leading to severe breathing difficulties.

Characteristic symptoms of cardiac asthma include shortness of breath, frequent breathing, severe chest tightness, and frequent dry and productive coughing.

People who suffer from this condition may experience a feeling of suffocation and suffocation, which can be extremely frightening and destabilizing for them.

Factors that predispose people to developing cardiac asthma are numerous and usually include heart conditions such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, and previous cardiac events.

People who are at high risk for developing heart problems due to factors such as diabetes, being overweight or having a family history of heart disease are also more likely to develop this disease.

In order to effectively diagnose and treat cardiac asthma, it is important for the medical team to perform a detailed assessment of the patient’s condition.

This may include a physical exam, medical history, electrocardiogram (EKG), and chest X-rays.

Based on the results of these tests, doctors can determine the optimal treatment plan, which usually includes drug therapy to control heart dysfunction and respiratory symptoms.

In conclusion, cardiac asthma is a serious disease that can have a profound impact on the health and lives of affected individuals.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential to maintain quality of life and manage symptoms.

People who are in the risk group due to the presence of cardiac factors should regularly monitor their condition under the supervision of an experienced medical team.

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