
Cherry tomatoes

Tomatoes have recently become more and more popular all over the world. Small tomatoes are very popular in the Mediterranean region, where it is difficult to find a dish without cherry tomatoes among the ingredients.

Cherry tomatoes are a botanical variety of common tomatoes and weigh 10-30 grams. They are popular as a snack that is used to make a variety of salads and also for canning.

Certain varieties are suitable for consumption in dried form. The name of this vegetable comes from the English word cherry, which means cherry. This does not mean that this type of tomato and cherry have a similar taste.

Simply the appearance and size of this vegetable are very reminiscent of cherries.

For sale, cherry tomatoes on an industrial scale are grown mainly in Turkey, the Netherlands and Spain. In the commercial network in Bulgaria, this variety of tomatoes appeared relatively recently and originate mainly from Turkey.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of cherry tomatoes

• Proteins – 0.8 grams;
• Fats – 0.1 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 2.8 grams;
• Mineral salts – 0.9 grams;
• Water – 18 grams;
• Calorie content – ​​22.4 kilocalories;

This small tomato variety was released on the market in 1973. Its creator is an Israeli scientist who set himself the goal of slowing down the rapid ripening of tomatoes in a hot climate.

A genetic combination was created that contributed to the delay in ripening, but during the research a way was found that made it possible to use the resulting genes to grow small tomatoes, which were subsequently cherry tomatoes.

Beneficial properties

This small vegetable contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, E, vitamin B, antioxidants, organic acids and lycopene.

This variety of small tomatoes is an ideal food not only for the winter period, as the consumption of cherries is a very good way to replenish the losses of many healing elements.

After noting that in this small tomato, the presence of many more useful substances was found than in its large “relatives”.

Potassium contained in all tomatoes is very useful for the heart, as it contributes to the removal of excess fluids from the body. And iron is a mandatory component of the diet for anemia.

And magnesium helps to adapt to the cold. Calcium is needed to strengthen bones, and phosphorus to improve metabolic processes.

The most valuable substance contained in cherries is lycopene. It is what gives tomatoes their deep red color. Lycopene is a strong antioxidant, with the help of which it is possible to prevent the development of such diseases as stomach, esophagus, colon and lung cancer.

The fact that lycopene increases the probability of developing cardiovascular pathologies is very important.
With the help of chromium, contained in cherry tomatoes, hunger is easily quenched, and the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger is also prevented.

But cherry tomatoes have gained such popularity recently due to the fact that they are very low in calories.


They should not be consumed in ulcer disease, even in remission. But such people can still use cherry tomatoes, but in small quantities – up to 100 grams maximum.

With special care, any tomatoes should be consumed by people with established metabolic disorders.

Consumption of this vegetable is also not recommended for people who are prone to developing allergic reactions when consuming red fruits and vegetables.

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