
Children are more vulnerable to microwaves than adults

Most parents would be concerned if their children had high levels of lead, chloroform or (dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethylmethane) pesticides in their bodies.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IRIC), part of the World Health Organization of the UN (WHO), classifies these and over 250 other agents as Class 2B carcinogens – possible carcinogen for humans.

Another agent on this list is radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF/ EMF). The main sources of RF/EMF are radios, televisions, microwave ovens, mobile phones, as well as Wi-Fi devices.

It is obvious that these devices are a part of modern society. Even if we wanted to, we cannot completely eliminate the danger to our children from RF/EMF, but we can limit it.

Many studies show that children absorb more radiation than adults. From an analysis of other studies, scientists say that children and adolescents are at significant risk from devices that emit microwaves.

Therefore, the researchers make the following recommendations:

– Pregnant women should avoid exposing the fetus to microwave radiation because embryos are more at risk from radiation, even than small children.

– Adolescent girls and women should not put mobile phones in their bras or headscarves.

– Mobile alerts (alarm, etc.) may lead to problems related to radiation.

Wireless devices are radio transmitters, not toys. The sale of children’s toys that contain radio transmitters should be monitored more closely and reduced.

According to scientists, children and adolescents absorb more radiation because their bodies are relatively small, their skulls are thinner and their brain tissue is more sensitive.

More generally, in the studies cited in the article, scientists try to link RF/EMF to various types of cancer, reduced sperm count, and other disorders.

They also note that the average time between carcinogen exposure and a tumor is three or more decades, making it difficult to reach definitive conclusions.

This is not a call to throw away all electronic devices. However, different safety levels should be defined for adults and children. As time goes by, more and more studies will be done to test the assumptions so far.

The study, broadcast on the BBC, claims that wireless Internet access does not negatively affect people’s health.

The authors of the Air Force documentary program “Panorama” clarified that the level of radiation in the wireless Internet area (the Wi-Fi network) in one of the British schools was three times higher than the radiation from mobile phone antennas. which is very far below the limit that would be dangerous to health.

“In some cases, they can be close to the body, for example if a person is holding a laptop on their knees. And in my opinion, we should teach children to put the computer on the table, just as we teach them not to talk for a long time on the mobile phone”, he advises.

Professor Malcolm Sperrin, an expert in the field of medical physics, doubts that wireless internet connections can be dangerous at all. “Wi-Fi technology uses radio waves of very low intensity.

In terms of length, the waves are similar to those used in household microwave ovens, but the radiation level of Wi-Fi is 100,000 times less than in the microwaves”.

However, Wi-Fi safety debates still rage.

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