
Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that is produced by the human body.

It is required for basic cellular function.

Its levels decrease with age and can be low in people with cancer, certain genetic diseases, diabetes, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, muscular dystrophies and Parkinson’s disease.

Some stronger medications can also lower antioxidant levels.

CoQ10 in the body can be increased by taking the antioxidant in the form of a dietary supplement.

There is evidence that idebenone, a synthetic compound similar to CoQ10, may help treat Alzheimer’s disease.

But existing research is not sufficient regarding the impact of CoQ10 itself on this disease.

The antioxidant has been found to have a positive effect on people with high blood pressure and heart failure.

Scientists suggest that CoQ10 may in the future be used for eye diseases, chest pain caused by overexertion, asthma, chronic fatigue and high cholesterol, as well as to limit the side effects of chemotherapy in the children.

Evidence is conflicting regarding antioxidant action in disorders of heart muscle structure, such as cardiomegaly.

Cases of adverse effects of CoQ10 administration have also been reported in people suffering from diabetes, hepatitis C and Huntington’s disease.

Although CoQ10 is produced naturally by the body, it is possible to become deficient due to illness, poor nutrition or from high consumption by the body.

Characteristic symptoms of deficiency are high blood pressure, heart failure and chest pain. Depending on the cause, supplementing with CoQ10 in the form of a dietary supplement or improving your diet may be helpful.

Recent research suggests that CoQ10 may be effective in chronic heart failure, as low levels of the antioxidant are associated with this disease.

However, it should be noted that when the study was conducted, CoQ10 was used in combination with other herbs and nutritional supplements for chronic heart failure.

There is sufficient evidence to support the use of the antioxidant in the treatment of high blood pressure.

But more research is needed to cover all possible effects of long-term CoQ10 supplementation.

Age-related macular degeneration is an eye disease that causes vision loss in older people.

More recently, scientists have discovered that combining acetyl-L-carnitine, omega-3 and CoQ10 can improve visual function in the early stages of the disease.

But more research is needed to establish the independent action of the antioxidant.

A study this year showed that mixing CoQ10 with other antioxidants and minerals can improve the appearance of the skin, as well as lead to the restoration of its elasticity and the smoothing of fine lines .

More evidence is needed to unequivocally establish the link between antioxidant and skin aging.

CoQ10 levels in the body can help identify the risk of skin cancer progression.

In a study, it was found that people suffering from oncological diseases have lower levels of the antioxidant compared to healthy people.

Recent research shows that taking CoQ10 in combination with other antioxidants has increased the survival rate of people suffering from terminal cancer.


In general, manufacturers recommend doses in the 22-400 mg range. daily.

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