
Do antiperspirants cause cancer?

Many people think that deodorants and antiperspirants are the same thing.

In reality, this is not the case. The difference is that deodorant allows sweating and suppresses the unpleasant smell of sweat, while antiperspirants contain chemicals that clog pores and thus prevent sweating.

The media puts enormous pressure on consumers, suggesting that if they don’t use antiperspirant, they are offending the people around them with their body odor.

Some people even when using deodorant feel uncomfortable. Although it prevents the bad smell from sweating, they think they are just mixing the smell of the deodorant with the smell of sweat.

If we look at the scientific findings, we will see that most of the deodorants not only mask the odor of sweat, but because of their antiseptic ingredients, they destroy the bacteria that cause unpleasant smell.

But what are the negative consequences for your health of using deodorants and antiperspirants?

It turns out that deodorants and antiperspirants can simultaneously have serious consequences for our health.

Many medical experts believe that preventing sweating is not healthy because sweating is the body’s natural way to cool down and normalize body temperature.

Even more horrifying is the fact that chemicals used in antiperspirant cosmetics, such as aluminum, can cause very serious diseases, including cancer. p>

Several studies have found a link between breast cancer and regular use of antiperspirants. The risk is even greater if the antiperspirant is used immediately after shaving.

Aluminum absorbed through the skin goes into the bloodstream and then accumulates in the brain. This phenomenon is closely related to an increase in the number of cases of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Many people believe that deodorants are much safer than antiperspirant sticks and cosmetics. However, recent studies confirm the link between the presence of parabens in specialized antiperspirant cosmetics and breast cancer.

Parabens are a type of chemical substances used in cosmetics as preservatives. They are used for their fungicidal and bactericidal properties. Manufacturers add them to sticks, deodorants, moisturizers, shampoos, lubricants, bronzers, shaving gels, makeup, and toothpastes. They are also added to some foods.

Parabens are found in many types of deodorants. A simple example of the connection between parabens and breast cancer is the case of a woman who died of the dreaded disease.

After an autopsy was performed, a large amount of parabens were found in the woman’s breast tissue.

Meanwhile, British biologist Philippa Darbre reported that parabens were found in 18 out of 20 breast cancer samples. Most of them were stored in the armpit area, which is most often treated with cosmetics.

What should we do to avoid at least one of the reasons for the development of breast cancer – the use of deodorants and antiperspirant sticks?

Specialists recommend using natural products and ecological cosmetics. Most of us don’t want to admit the fact that the big cosmetic companies are brainwashing us with ads and campaigns about “organic foods” and “bionatural foods” that have “organic” and “bio” in their name without a trace of natural ingredients.

Don’t let them fool you. Collect information about the products and the company that produces them, read the ingredients so you don’t become a victim of certain lobbies.

For greater convenience, and even after the link between parabens and breast cancer became known, some manufacturers explicitly state on the labels of deodorants and antiperspirants that they are paraben-free.

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