
Does drinking coffee reduce the chances of conception?

Since ancient times, coffee has been one of the most preferred beverages due to its aromatic taste. Today, most of us cannot imagine how we will start our day without a sip of the invigorating drink.

For some, coffee is a sweet pleasure, and for others a source of energy, for others a drink that supports communication, and for some it is the meaning of life in general.

A lot has been written and talked about the harms and benefits of coffee, and more specifically of the caffeine it contains. And yet is this drink always useful.

Scientists from a hospital in the state of Massachusetts, USA, conducted a study in which 105 men participated, whose partners in life tried to conceive a child through in vitro fertilization.

The average age of the participants was 37 years. They filled out questionnaires containing a full range of questions about nutrition, alcohol and caffeine consumption.

Important detail: none of the men who took part in this study drank alcohol on a regular basis – they rarely drank alcohol when they were with friends and the amount of alcohol they drank per week was no more of 3 drinks.

Scientists were unable to establish a relationship between quantity or caffeine consumed and sperm quality in men.

However, participants who drank the most beer were 57% more likely to become fathers using IVF.

While the chances of conceiving through in vitro fertilization of the partners of the men who drank the least amount of beer were only 28%.

Meanwhile, drinking coffee, on the contrary, reduces the probability of conception. A cup of coffee prepared in a coffee maker usually contains about 140 mg. caffeine.

Attempts to conceive were successful in 52% of men taking small amounts of the alkaloid, compared to 19% of those who drank the most caffeinated beverages.

It is not clear why beer and caffeine affect fertility in this way.

Alcohol in moderation is probably good for couples who want to conceive a child because alcohol lowers stress levels.

However, it should be noted that sperm quality is affected by many factors. One of them is the consumption of sugary drinks.

As a recent study of the sperm quality of 189 men between the ages of 18 and 22 showed, sugary drinks are dangerous to the health of even slim men. The more of them they drink, the lower the sperm motility index.

In the sperm quality study, male participants completed surveys that included questions about their lifestyle and frequency of sugary drink consumption /0 to 6 per day /.

From the completed surveys, the scientists found something surprising, the relationship between drinking sugary drinks and sperm quality was only valid for slim men, but not for those who were overweight.

If a man of normal weight drinks an average of 2.7 sugary drinks, i.e. carbonated soft drinks, his sperm motility decreased by 6.3%.

The drinks also reduced the synthesis and release of follicle-stimulating hormone, which helps sperm formation, in both obese and normal-weight men.

In lieu of conclusion, it should be pointed out that apart from drinking sugary soft drinks, it is dangerous for men to keep their mobile computer on their lap as it weakens their fertility.

But one of the most common risk factors for infertility in men and women is obesity. In men, being overweight is associated with a decrease in sperm count.

And obese women are at risk of miscarriage and menstrual irregularities.

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