

What is Eczema?

The term “eczema” is actually used with different meanings, in a broad sense it covers all types of skin rashes, but it is also often used with a more specific meaning related to the most – the common type of such skin conditions – atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis, often known simply as atopic eczema, is a chronic, relapsing skin condition characterized by dry, red, irritated skin that is often itchy.

This is one of the most common childhood skin conditions that can start as early as infancy, continuing to affect those affected throughout life.

This disease is manifested by itching, which is one of the most painful symptoms for those affected. Itching can be overwhelming, interfere with normal sleep and cause significant discomfort.

Depending on the age of the patient, rashes can appear on different parts of the body, and in babies they are often localized on the face, head, knees and elbows, while in adults they mainly affect the neck, hands, ankles and waist.

In children, atopic dermatitis can be aggravated by factors such as stress, exposure to allergens, chemicals or cold temperatures.

Although the condition can often subside or improve with adulthood, there are cases where atopic dermatitis persists throughout the sufferer’s life, causing recurring rashes with certain triggers.

Symptoms of Eczema

Eczema usually presents with intense itching, which is the first and most obvious symptom.

This itching is due to inflammatory reactions in the skin that cause the release of histamine and other substances that stimulate nerve endings and trigger itch receptors.

For those who suffer from eczema, the itching can be so intense and unbearable that it even interferes with normal daytime and nighttime activities, including sleep.

In time, a rash develops, with the skin becoming red and bumpy. The intensity of the rash can range from mild to very severe, with some people developing crusts, especially if the affected areas are constantly scratched.

In babies, their skin is especially sensitive and rashes occur that can affect large parts of their bodies, including the face.

One of the important things to avoid with eczema is constant scratching, as this can lead to infections and further damage to the skin.

However, this is extremely difficult as the itching can be incredibly debilitating and cause constant discomfort.

The exact cause of eczema development is not fully understood, but genetics and environment are believed to play an important role.

People with a family history of atopic diseases, such as asthma or hypersensitive allergies, are more likely to develop eczema.

Eczema treatment

Removing the factors that aggravate eczema. This can be as simple as changing your laundry detergent or as much as moving to a different climate or changing your job.

It is important to know when treating eczema that the skin is the largest organ of the human body and what we eat invariably affects the skin.

That’s why diet plays a huge role in skin health, and a few simple dietary changes will lead to significant improvement in eczema.

Consume foods that stimulate intestinal peristalsis and are beneficial for the intestinal liver. You should limit the intake of processed foods and those with a high gluten content as much as possible.

You should keep your skin moist by using a mild soap or gel to wash your body when bathing.

Before drying your skin, apply a body cream containing emollients – substances that suppress water evaporation.

Most emollients contain petrolatum, although solid vegetable oils are much more effective.

Avoid wearing tight and rough clothes.

Sweating can irritate the rash, so you should avoid strenuous exercise when you have a flare-up.

Avoid scratching the rash. If it is not possible to stop scratching. If necessary, wear gloves at night to minimize skin damage from scratching.

Avoid physical and mental stress. Proper nutrition and light physical exercise and enough sleep are a guarantee of maintaining a good general state of health. This will help you get rid of the atopic dermatitis attack faster.

Take vitamin D as recent research shows that eczema is a result of lower vitamin D levels.

Taking probiotics for eczema is also helpful, as it has been found that there is a link between atopic dermatitis and a disturbed balance of intestinal flora.

Sunflower oil can be applied topically to the rash itself and relieves itching, inflammation and softens the skin.

Living with eczema can be challenging, but with proper care and symptom management, many people manage to lead active and fulfilling lives.

It is important to consult your doctor and follow his or her advice regarding treatment and skin care.

By taking appropriate measures and attention, you can reduce the impact of eczema on your daily life and enjoy more comfortable and healthy skin.

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