


Galactorrhoea is the secretion of breast milk from a woman’s nipples, which is not associated with the usual secretion of breast milk.< /p>

The process of milk formation in the breast is denoted by the term lactation.The condition itself is not a disease, but it may be a sign of one.

It usually occurs in women, even those who have never had children or are post-menopausal. But sudden secretion of milk can happen in men and even in infants.

Overstimulation of the breast, side effects of medication or impaired pituitary function are among the possible causes of the condition. It is often the result of increased levels of prolactin – a hormone that stimulates milk synthesis.

Sometimes the cause of the condition cannot be determined and sometimes the flow of breast milk stops on its own.

What are the symptoms?

• Constant or intermittent leakage of breast milk from the nipple, with no trace of blood in the leaking liquid.
• One or both breasts may be affected;
• Complete absence or irregular periods;
• Headache or vision problems;
• Milk may oozes from the nipple spontaneously or after applying pressure;

When should you seek medical attention?

If you have persistent nipple discharge on one or both breasts and you are not pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor your doctor.

When excessive stimulation of the nipple, for example during sex, leads to the release of milk from it, you have no reason to worry.

In such a case, lactation is not a symptom of malignancy, but you still have any concerns or other symptoms, do not hesitate to visit your gynecologist.

When the fluid that flows from the nipple is different from milk, and especially if it is reddish, yellowish or clear in color and flows from only one of the pores of the nipple, then you should promptly to seek medical help, as it is possible that the development of a cancerous entity has begun.

What are the causes?

Medications such as certain tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and high blood pressure medications.
Cocaine > or use of opiates;
• Herbal supplements such as fennel, anise or fenugreek;
Contraceptive pills;
• Benign growth of pituitary /prolactinoma/ or other gland disease;
Hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
• Chronic kidney disease;
Chest nerve damage from thoracic surgery, burns or chest injuries.
• Spinal cord surgery, trauma or tumors;

Idiopathic galactorrhea

Sometimes doctors cannot find the reason for the sudden onset of lactation. This form of the condition is called idiopathic and is usually due to a particular sensitivity of the body to the hormone prolactin.

Treatment of galactorrhea

Usually, if the cause of the condition cannot be found, lactation stops on its own without the need for treatment, especially if breast stimulation and other potential causes can be avoided for the secretion of milk.

To minimize breast stimulation:
• Do not touch the breast during sex;
• Avoid performing self breast exams > or nipple irritation more than once a month.
Wear looser clothing that does not allow the fabric of the clothing to rub against the nipple.

If this still doesn’t work, you can use breast pads to avoid the discomfort that milk can cause when you are out in public.

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