
Global life expectancy has increased by 6 years

In the period from 1990 to 2013, global average life expectancy increased by almost 5.8 years for men and 6.6 years for women. This is exactly the topic of the new analysis Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, published in a journal in The Lancet.

“We generally see quite positive changes, but we can and must do much more in this direction,” says the study’s lead author, Dr. Christopher Murray, professor of global health at the University of Washington, USA.

“The significant increase in the number of collective programs and the funding of the fight against major infectious diseases such as diarrhoea, measles, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria – have brought real benefits,” he added.

Nevertheless, the conducted research also revealed negative aspects.

In particular, it showed that some major chronic diseases are still being ignored, despite their growing relevance, in particular – drug addiction, cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney diseases.

The analysis also shows that life expectancy in high-income regions has increased significantly due to a 15% reduction in mortality from most cancers and 22% from cardiovascular disease.

In low-income countries, the most important factors increasing life expectancy are – reduction in mortality from diarrhea, lower respiratory tract infections and diseases of newborn children.

Although global life expectancy has increased by 5.8 years for men and by 6.6 years for women, mortality from certain causes has on the contrary increased since 1990.

Examples of such special causes of death are:

• Liver cancer caused by hepatitis C, a 125% increase;
• Atrial fibrillation and other severe heart rhythm disorders /with 100%/;
• Drug addiction – with 63%;
• Chronic renal failure – with 37%;
• Sickle cell anemia – with 29%;
• Sugar diabetes – by 9%;
• Pancreatic cancer – by 7%;

The analysis also notes that in one major region of the world, life expectancy remained unchanged over the observed period.

Mortality from HIV/AIDS takes more than 5 years off life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa.

HIV/AIDS remains the leading cause of premature death in 20 of the 48 sub-Saharan African countries.

Since 1990, global mortality due to HIV/AIDS has increased by 334%, according to the analysis.

VAT Syria the main reason for the occurrence of premature death is the ongoing war.

In 2013, the armed conflict took the lives of 29,947 people, in 2012 – 54,903 people, and in 2011 – 21,422 people. For 2014, the figures for Syria are even more alarming: over 76,000 people lost their lives in the civil war.

In Bulgaria in 2011, the main cause of death among Bulgarians is circulatory diseases, about 67% of the total number of deaths, about 15% of deaths are the result of neoplasms, i.e. cancers, in 3rd place are the diseases of the respiratory system, and the fourth of the digestive system.

89.3% of the deaths in Bulgaria in 2011 are due to these 4 classes of diseases. The data used are from the bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the National Center for Public Health and Analysis.

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