
Granuloma of the tooth and its treatment

Granuloma or dental granuloma is a limited inflammation of the periodontium, representing a small round cyst-like formation located in the area of ​​the tooth root.

It is characterized by a long asymptomatic course, which can often deprive a person of a real idea of ​​the problem, and this can lead to dental complications at a later stage and permanent disabilities.

Under the influence of various provoking factors the dental cyst can become aggravated, causing a bright clinical picture of an acute inflammatory process:

  • Severe pain in the tooth;
  • Gum swelling;
  • Redness.

Diagnosis of dental cysts< /strong> is done on the basis of an X-ray of the affected area.

The method of treatment is determined depending on the size of the cyst, the degree of destruction of the tooth root and the presence of complications.

Cysts can have a different location in relation to the roots of the teeth, but most often they are located at their highest point.

The hidden development of the dental formation hides a danger in itself, since in this way the opportunity for its timely detection and treatment is not provided.

In connection with this, cases are not rare in dentistry when the cyst is discovered in an already neglected state. And despite its small size, it can be the source of a number of serious complications.

What are the symptoms of a dental granuloma?

A dental granuloma is a limited inflammatory mass with a thin wall.

In the area of ​​the cyst, there is an intense growth of granulation tissue, which replaces the cells that died as a result of the inflammatory process.

This growth causes a gradual increase in the size of the cyst and gradually begins to be felt by the patient. However, until it reaches significant proportions, its existence may be imperceptible to many, including his own dentist.

Often, the detection of such dental cysts occurs only after an x-ray of the tooth or orthopantomography. When the size of the cyst increases, pain and swelling of the gums appear.

Possible accumulation of pus in the dental cyst. In such cases, there is a sharp toothache, swelling and redness of the gums. Darkening of the tooth is observed.

The leakage of pus from the space between the tooth and the gum is also possible.

The accumulation of pus in dental cysts may be accompanied by the development of flux or odontogenic periostitis, characterized by an increase in body temperature and worsening of the patient’s general condition: headache, malaise, etc.

With a chronic asymptomatic course, the dental granuloma can transform into a jaw cyst, which is limited by the surrounding tissues with the formation of a dense capsule in which necrotic masses and dead bacteria are located.

What are the causes?

Most often, the formation of a dental root cyst is a complication of pulpitis and is caused by the spread of the infectious process to the root of the tooth and the nerve.

The second reason can be inflammation of the tissues around the tooth – periodontitis. A broken tooth and other traumas are a source of infection and can also lead to the formation of a cyst under the tooth root.

The reason for the infection can also be non-observance of the antiseptic rules when removing the pulp of the tooth or treating its canals.

To the factors provoking acute clinical manifestations of dental cysts are hypothermia, seasonal colds, stressful situations, sudden climate change and excessive physical exertion.

Treatment of granuloma of the tooth

Despite the fact that today there are effective ways of treatment, saving the tooth is not always possible.

Conservative treatment consists in filling the cavity formed by the formation with various restorative materials applied through the root canal.

To remove the infection, antibiotic therapy is applied.

According to some homeopaths, gargling the mouth with a decoction of sumac or tetra contributes to the destruction of a formed jaw cyst within about 20 days.

Again, according to them, this herb has the ability to penetrate the deep layers of the jaw and limit and eliminate infectious bacterial foci, thus minimizing the negative effects of inflammation called granuloma.

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