
How not to overeat at the festive table

Almost everyone of us, in addition to gifts and pleasant emotions, associates the Christmas and New Year holidays with an abundant, beautifully arranged and appetizing table.

No matter where you celebrate Christmas and New Year, at home with family or in a restaurant, at a lodge or somewhere abroad, there will undoubtedly be plenty of treats waiting for you.

The body of most of us is not used to taking in large amounts of food, especially at night. And precisely because of this, the Christmas and especially the New Year’s table, which is abundant with various dishes, food and drinks, becomes a source of great stress for the human body.

How can we not overeat at the festive table and at the same time be able to try most or all of the prepared delicacies?

1. Emphasize vegetable salads and light appetizers – they should be the basis of your New Year’s menu. It is preferable that they are fresh, that is, they have not been subjected to heat treatment. However, steamed and roasted vegetables should not be refused. It is not desirable that they are too salty. Because salt stimulates the release of gastric juice, which means that we should refrain from very salty foods.

It is best that vegetable oil has been used in the preparation of the salads that will be consumed. And it is desirable to avoid processed animal fats and also those foods or dishes in the preparation of which the standard mayonnaise was used, such as Russian salad.

Try to eat less potatoes and vegetables that can cause intestinal gas such as beans, cabbage, radishes, etc.

2. Seafood instead of meat – foods of animal origin, especially fatty ones, are very slow and difficult to digest. Therefore, if you focus on meat dishes and if you combine them with appetizers such as nuts, you will very quickly overeat. That is why seafood or fish are preferable.

They are much lighter than meat and, in addition, they are much more useful. The most important thing is that the prepared dishes or foods are not overcooked, too salty and that no mayonnaise. Thus, they will saturate our body, but will not cause a feeling of heaviness.

3. Move more– remember that Christmas and New Year are not limited to staying at the festive table. Dance, walk often in the fresh air. Especially after a large meal, a walk, even in the evening, has an extremely good effect on digestion. When you are not at the table, first of all, you will consume a smaller amount of food and there is no danger of overeating, and secondly, you will use up the energy you acquired during the meal.

4. Do not drink too strong drinks – besides being very caloric, after their use a person usually begins to feel hungry. Therefore, instead of vodka, brandy, tequila or whiskey, it is better to drink light wine, liqueur or cruchon. These light alcoholic drinks create the necessary good mood and do not burden the stomach. In fact, it is best to completely avoid alcoholic beverages. Rest assured that you will not lose anything by this.

5. Fruits for dessert – the feeling of satiety after consuming desserts such as sweets, cakes and sugar passes very quickly, and the unused energy is deposited in the form of fats in different parts of the body. They are like a stone for the stomach, which is already overburdened by the preceding meals.

The best holiday dessert is fresh fruit and strawberries. If you have the opportunity, preferably a freshly made shake is the dessert. It has a fresh and pleasant taste, will cheer you up and fill you with energy.

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