
What a connection between cancer and emotionality

Currently there are many “official” theories about the origin of cancer. Most of them describe the impact of viruses, carcinogens and mutations as a key factor in the development of malignant diseases.

But it is increasingly being talked about, even the results of scientific research confirm it, that oncological diseases are caused by chronic stress, a kind of negative emotional landscape against which the disease arises . That is, it is already more and more obvious that cancer diseases are of psychological origin.

Are malignant diseases of psychological origin?

More recently, in the middle of the previous 2013, this point of view received its scientific confirmation. It was found that the emotional state significantly affects the body’s immune and endocrine systems.

Psychosomatic illness occurs precisely when this influence becomes too strong. Ancient Chinese medicine considered the tumor as the result of stagnation of blood and vital energies.

Malignant formations were characterized as insensible tissue, devoid of life and foreign to the human organism.

For this, not only herbs and potions were used for their treatment, affecting the tumor itself, but the patients also practiced Tao, as a way to completely change their lives.

The metaphor “stone of the heart” is also known for cancer. And if it is not removed, the stone turns into a tumor. When a malignant process occurs, a transition takes place as external psychological problems turn into internal – somatic ones.

The organ that is damaged by the tumor symbolizes the external danger that it is unable to cope with.

Malignancy actually represents a refusal to solve the existing psychological problem and a transfer from the domain of personal responsibility to medical care: “Now, my problem will be solved by the doctors, since I cannot cope”.

What triggers the oncological reaction?

Some trauma becomes the starting point – an event after which a person is unable to live as before. It seems to divide life into “before” and “after”, and the human personality is torn into pre-traumatic and post-traumatic periods of life.

If a person nevertheless perceives the event with all his consciousness, he continues to live normally. But if he ignores reality by not accepting what happened, his body can react by starting to form a malignant process.

Betrayal is a vivid example of chronic psychological trauma. It arises in response to a person’s discovery of a new reality that contradicts his existing ideas.

Discovering this new reality is mentally painful.

For example, a woman who grew up in a conservative family suddenly begins to feel a strong sexual desire for another man, which contradicts her usual identity of a good and exemplary wife.

She is faced with a dilemma whether to let her desire go or to trigger strong repressive mechanisms against her own personality, which will remove from her mind this strong sexual desire of hers.

Often in life situations can be observed, in which an individual is practically a “clone” of another. Such a person does not remember exactly what he wants.

And instead takes the other’s desires as his own or sacrifices them in exchange for the guaranteed constancy of the relationship.

This is also how the phenomenon of dependent relationships is formed, when the inner emptiness is filled by performing an insignificant activity and one of the partners is forced to give up himself in favor of the other, considering that his life is more important than his own.

Dependent relationships are dangerous in that when they end, they leave one of the partners in a state of complete loneliness, when they are unable to rely on themselves.

Many people spend their whole lives in such a situation. A typical personality reaction when codependent relationships end is a constant feeling of helplessness and hopelessness in the codependent partner.

He is discouraged by the fact that he has nothing left. It is at this point that one must stand up and continue living. Symbolically, the organism sends a message: “Change or die!”

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