
How to avoid cold or flu?

When you are sick, your doctor will certainly recommend that you get vaccinated with a flu vaccine; but scientists at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) say that the flu vaccine in recent years is not as effective and you are likely to get the flu again.

Dr. Lee Winaker, a physician with the American College of Medicine, shares several ways medical professionals can avoid colds and flu:

He still recommends getting a flu shot, even though it’s only 23% effective this year – you might be one of the people it helps.

More fresh air is always useful – take a vacation and go for a short hike in the mountains or just take a walk in the park!

“If it’s a sunny day, you can get more vitamin D,” Dr. Winaker said. “People who are low in vitamin D get morerespiratory infections.”

You should always wash your hands – it may be too old-fashioned, but it always works. CDC experts say hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of disease: “Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another and then through an entire community .”

Hold your breath – MIT researchers explain that violent respiratory events like coughing and sneezing play a key role in the transmission of respiratory diseases. If someone sneezes or coughs near you, turn your head away and hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds!

Keep your nose warm – Akiko Iwasaki, co-author of a study that finds covering your nose with a scarf can help you get better or stay away from illness by making it harder for germs to enter your body.< /p>

Avoid excessive alcohol use – alcohol can irritate your immune system. Keep that in mind next time before you drink!

“Avoid strenuous exercise – intense exercise puts stress on your immune system for the next 72 hours!

Sleep is health – even two or three days of lack of sleep already make us an easy victim of viruses, so we should not allow it. The logic is that when the body has to work in extreme conditions – fatigue is such a factor, the immune system does not work at full capacity.

Gargle – even with just water. Gargles with lukewarm salt water have been traditional in folk medicine since the last century, but the use of the method has received a boost in recent years, after scientific arguments “for” also appeared.

A Japanese study found evidence for the healing effects of gargling, even when done with just water. Thus, the throat is kept hydrated, which reduces the risk of invisible pathogenic aggressors penetrating through the dry mucous membrane.

Lastly and perhaps most importantly – stay home if you are sick! Researchers found that people who stayed at home in Mexico during the 2009 flu epidemic protected themselves in this way and prevented potential complications.

By following these recommendations, you will reduce the risk of catching a cold or flu. But perhaps the most important thing is to avoid contact with people who are sick and can infect you.

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