
How to heal yourself from PTSD?

After experiencing severe stress, it is completely normal for a person to feel sad, depressed, anxious and withdrawn. This is completely natural and gradually subsides over time.

However, when the feeling becomes permanent and does not go away with time, it may be PTSD.

Maybe anyone in this situation thinks they will never be able to get their normal life back but actually with a little support and learning some anxiety coping skills they will feel much better sooner than you think.

What is PTSD?

Usually, as we have already said, this condition occurs after a traumatic experience. The most common of the events that cause it is war.

However, however, this type of disorder can develop in anyone who has experienced a great deal of stress, as well as people who have simply witnessed a traumatic event or those who have “picked up the pieces”. after that.

Among the most serious factors for the development of PTSD are events such as war, car or plane crash, natural disaster, terrorist attack, loss of a loved one, rape, kidnapping, childhood trauma and many others.

How do we distinguish ordinary stress from post-traumatic stress disorder?

At first, such a distinction cannot be made because the symptoms of stress are a completely normal reaction after a traumatic event. However, most people see gradual improvement after days or weeks, even if only slightly, day by day.

In people with post-traumatic stress disorder, however, the symptoms do not decrease, on the contrary – there is a real possibility that they will intensify.


Some of the symptoms of PTSD can be:

– experiencing the traumatic event over and over;
– avoiding things that may remind of the trauma;
– increased anxiety and emotional arousal;
– feeling like reliving the event ;
– avoiding activities, places, feelings and others that may remind the person of the trauma;
– loss of interest or joy in life;
– feeling of limited time – the victim does not interested in learning, career, starting a family;
– difficulty falling asleep;
– difficulty concentrating;

Besides these, there are many other symptoms, but here we have listed some of the most common ones.

How can we help ourselves?

Recovering a person with PTSD can be quite a long process, and the sufferer will have to mobilize all their patience and consistency.

Treatment won’t work overnight, nor will traumatic memories suddenly disappear. However, you have great power when it comes to being able to reduce stress and anxiety.

One of the important things you can do is to get back into your social life, even if it seems very difficult.

It is important not to disconnect from real life and the connection with the people who love you. The support of people close to you can be crucial in this case.

Start practicing relaxation techniques – yoga, meditation, gradual muscle relaxation. When your body relaxes, it will affect your state of mind.

Spend some time in nature. Its purity and ease will energize you and help you take a big step towards regaining your peace of mind.

The sea, the mountain or a lake in the forest – it doesn’t matter, all of this will help you in its own way. It is good if you are active while you are in nature.

For example, you can walk a beautiful route or climb a mountain peak. Also, just detaching yourself from the environment you’re in will help.

How do we help a family member who is in this state?

First of all, if he is depressed, distant, or abrupt, don’t take it personally. Imagine how hard it must be on him. If he doesn’t want to talk to you, don’t think that something is wrong with the relationship between you.

Most likely, the person is just suffering and does not want to communicate with anyone. Try to create a pleasant environment around the person – beautiful pictures, pleasant tastes and aromas. You never know what might help him get back to normal life.

Involve the sufferer in social contacts from time to time – meeting for coffee with friends can lift his mood.

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