
How to protect your liver?

Keeping your liver in good health is easy if you know how.

Here are some tips you can use every day to improve the health of this vital organ of yours.

1. Maintain a healthy weight

60% of Australians are thought to be overweight or obese.

About 30% of those classified as obese will also have the same liver problem.

This puts them at high risk of cirrhosis, liver failure or cancer.

Men should keep their waist to 102 centimeters and women to 88.

Exercise and a healthy diet will help you be in better health and maintain these standards.

2. Avoid depleting diets

Most of the diets that say: “Lose 12 kilos in just 1 month” are a complete myth.

Even if you achieve these results, you will not keep them, and you will harm your health by overloading your liver.

Also, it’s not good to deprive your body of nutrients it wants.

In other words, if you have a sweet tooth and can’t help it, don’t commit a crime against yourself and eat some natural chocolate.

3. Limit your intake of unhealthy fats

High levels of fat in the blood and high levels of cholesterol are the most common causes of fatty liver.

Keep them low if you don’t want health problems. If you eat foods with fat content, make sure they are unsaturated.

Seek help from your doctor if you can’t manage your fat intake!

4. Consume moderate amounts of alcohol

Judicious consumption of alcohol is critical to your health.

While alcoholism is more common among men, women are more susceptible to the adverse effects of alcohol on the liver.

There are actually no problems with alcohols like wine and beer, but even 20 grams of hard alcohol a day is bad for your health.

5. Get regular blood tests

The stick test is the best way to monitor your fat, cholesterol and glucose blood levels.

Be careful with high glucose levels – this can lead to liver problems!

6. Give up smoking

Cigarettes have been proven to cause liver cancer. Smoking can increase the toxic effect of some medications on the liver!

7. Get vaccinated

Get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B. If you do not get vaccinated against hepatitis A, avoid seafood.

Fish and seafood live in massively polluted seas and oceans and are possible disease carriers.

If you don’t get vaccinated against hepatitis B, practice only safe sex!

8. Protect yourself

There are also diseases from which it is difficult to protect yourself. One of them is hepatitis C.

Unlike hepatitis B, with C, you need to be even more careful.

It is classified as a blood-borne disease. Avoid foreign toothbrushes, razors, etc.

9. Be aware of the risks of drugs

Some illegal drugs and the chemicals they contain can be harmful to your liver.

Intravenous use of drugs is a widely known way of transmitting hepatitis B and C.

And if you do use IV drugs, don’t share needles.

And of course, seek medical help immediately!

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