
How to protect yourself from colds and flu

Once the temperatures drop, the dangers of colds and flu hang over health like dark, storm clouds.

Our dynamic lifestyles, vacation and holiday travel, along with seasonal changes, lead us to believe that colds and flu are inevitable in winter.

But a healthy diet and lifestyle, in addition to some natural solutions, can help boost our immunity and keep us vibrant and energetic.

What is the difference between a cold and the flu?

Patients often ask their doctor, “How do I know if I have a cold or the flu?” Both are respiratory illnesses, but each is caused by from various viruses.

Colds are usually mild and include symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose. Adults and older children usually have a mild fever, while babies can run a very high fever.

Depending on which virus is causing it, a cold can also cause a headache, cough, postnasal drip, burning eyes, muscle aches or decreased appetite.

Flu is a much more serious illness and can cause symptoms such as fever, body aches, fatigue and a dry cough.

Most people who get the flu recover within a week, although the cough can last longer.

For the elderly, newborns, and people with certain chronic conditions, the flu and its complications can become life-threatening.

A healthy lifestyle for good immunity

Keeping your immune system in top shape requires vigilance. This is because many factors contribute to a decrease in immunity, including stress, overwork, chronic inflammation, a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of highly processed foods, dehydration and exposure to toxins.

Why these factors are important for immunity


One of the most important things to cope with the disease more easily is to stay well hydrated, since more than half of the body’s mass consists of water. Proper hydration helps to remove toxins and viruses.

Good sleep

Deep, restorative sleep is of fundamental importance for the body’s restorative process. A number of studies have shown that insufficient sleep has multiple consequences for physical, mental and emotional health.

It is important to establish regular sleeping hours to help regulate and strengthen the immune system.

Balanced nutrition

A menu rich in nutrients, fresh fruits, vegetables, nourishing proteins and unprocessed foods is crucial for maintaining the immune system in all seasons.

This type of nutrition is associated with increased immune activity, reduces the harmful effects of free radicals, improves digestion, supports healthy glucose metabolism, gives an optimal lipid profile and has many other benefits.

In addition, high quality proteins are essential for our good immunity. Good sources of protein are organic meat and poultry, wild fish, whole legumes, nuts and seeds.

Herbs and medicinal plants

In addition to a balanced lifestyle, certain nutrients, herbs and nutritional supplements may be included.

Among them is pectin obtained from citrus fruits. Numerous studies have shown that it is a powerful anti-cancer therapy, has an anti-inflammatory effect and cleanses of heavy metals and toxins.

Recent research also proves its ability to significantly boost immune function. Pectin enhances the functional ability of the most powerful natural killers of immune cells, blocks cancer formations, reduces inflammation and removes toxins.

These diverse benefits make pectin a powerful daily supplement for the immune system and overall health.

Medicinal mushrooms regulate immune function and fight infections, especially in the long term. Mushrooms contain beta-glucan compounds that boost immunity by improving the activity of macrophages – the first line of immune defense.

Types of mushrooms that are particularly beneficial for immunity are reishi, cordyceps, maitake and shiitake. All have numerous health benefits that can improve vitality, reduce harmful pathogens in the body, and prevent the body from becoming infected with deadly viruses.

There are many powerful herbs and herbal recipes to improve the immune system. Many of them work synergistically to reduce inflammation, improve immune function and antioxidant defenses.

Herbs such as astragalus, ginseng and Siberian ginseng can be effective at a preventive level, toning the body, helping fight flu or cold symptoms.

Research shows that regular intake of vitamin C, vitamin D-3 (especially in winter) and zinc significantly increase immune protection. Zinc is the most important mineral in the thymus gland, which orchestrates immune function in the human body.

Be smart

Some of the easiest and most effective strategies include keeping your distance from people who are sick; avoiding contact with the nose, eyes or mouth; frequent hand washing.

Do cold and flu prevention daily combined with natural treatment. This will help you and your family stay healthy at any time of the year.

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