

What is hypermetropia?

The medical name for farsightedness is hypermetropia, sometimes also called hyperopia. Vision problems, such as farsightedness, are also known as abnormalities in the refraction or refraction of light in the eye.

Farsightedness leads to difficulties with seeing close objects, and in addition, the eyes tire very quickly and we begin to see even more vaguely the objects close to us.

In the beginning, when we focus our gaze at a further distance, over 5 m., in space, then we see the objects clearly enough.

To understand what farsightedness is, we must first understand how we actually see.

When we look at an object, the light rays coming from the object enter the eye and reach the retina. This triggers nerve impulses that are sent from the retinal cells along the optic nerve to the vision centers in the brain.

The brain processes the information it receives and so we can actually see, but this whole process is done in hundredths of a second and so we are able to see anything we want all the time.

Light rays must focus on a smaller part of the retina, otherwise what we would see would be blurred.

The cornea and the lens have the ability to focus light. The cornea partially refracts the light rays, which then pass through the lens, which fine-tunes the focus.

The lens achieves this effect by changing its thickness. This process is called accommodation. The lens is elastic and can contract and expand.

The more convex the lens forward, the stronger the light rays that enter the eye are refracted.

The shape of the lens is changed by small muscles in the ciliary body. Known as the zonules of Qin, they form the suspensory apparatus, holding the lens in place. The zonules are attached to the lens at one end and to the ciliary body at the other.

When the muscles in the ciliary body tighten, the zonules – membranes of the suspensory apparatus relax and so we see nearby objects. When looking into the space above 5 m, the muscles of the ciliary body relax, and the membranes of the suspensory apparatus contract.

Higher refraction of light rays is needed to see close objects clearly as in reading and less refraction to see distant objects clearly.

We have farsightedness when light focuses behind the retina. In reality, light cannot be focused behind the retina, so the lens changes shape to focus light on the retina anyway.

But when farsightedness is present, the accommodation is not complete or because of a flatter cornea and the light is focused on a larger area and the result is blurred vision.

People with a slight degree of farsightedness can usually see up close, but they often have headaches and their eyes tire easily.

In more severe forms of farsightedness, objects at close range are seen blurred, and this is exactly what farsightedness means – to be able to see only at a distance clearly, over 5 m.

What are the causes of farsightedness?

The causes of farsightedness are usually genetic (inherited). Farsightedness can occur at any age, but it becomes more noticeable in most people, usually over the age of 40.

In rare cases, farsightedness may be caused by other conditions such as diabetes, small eyeball syndrome (microphthalmia), a tumor near the eyes, or problems with blood vessels in the retina. >

Infants and young children also have low farsightedness, but they usually outgrow this abnormality by about age 3.

A special type of age-related farsightedness is called presbyopia, in which the lens of the eye becomes harder with age.

What are the symptoms of farsightedness (hypermetropia)?

The main symptom is difficulty seeing close objects, frequent headaches and rapid eye fatigue when constantly looking at close objects such as when reading.

Farsightedness can lead to abnormalities in binocular vision that is normal for every person. Lazy eye (amblyopia) or squint (strabismus) can also occur with farsightedness. With farsightedness, normal 3-dimensional vision can also be impaired.

Lazy eye is a condition in which one eye does not develop normally and as a result the brain ignores the information it receives from it.

This usually happens when a child has severe farsightedness in one eye and the brain starts to ignore information from that eye to prevent double vision.

In severe cases of farsightedness, when it is from a very young age, a lazy eye (amblyopia) may develop. The affected eye(s) does not learn how to see because the brain ignores the signals it receives from it.

Amblyopia can be treated by covering the stronger eye to teach the child to use the lazy eye as well, if of course it is diagnosed early enough, before the vision pathways in the brain to have fully developed.

Presbyopia is a serious condition that can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.

Although the symptoms can be unpleasant and even painful, there are many treatment options that can help people with farsightedness see clearly and without pain.

In addition, early diagnosis and treatment can prevent or minimize the long-term consequences of farsightedness, such as lazy eye and squint.

It is important to consult an eye doctor if you have symptoms of farsightedness or if you notice that your child is having difficulty with near vision.

With proper diagnosis and treatment, farsightedness can be successfully controlled and the quality of vision greatly improved.

Presbyopia Treatment

Glasses have long been the standard for vision correction and continue to be widely used today. They are easy to use, affordable and safe, making them suitable for people of all ages and lifestyles.

Glasses correct farsightedness by using convex dioptric lenses that refract light rays inward.

This changes the angle at which light enters the eye, bending it back and focusing it on the retina. This allows the image to be clear and sharp instead of blurry or fuzzy.

One of the great benefits of glasses is that they offer endless possibilities for personalization. There is a huge selection of frames on the market that can suit all tastes and budgets.

You can choose frames that emphasize your face shape, match your dressing style or even reflect your personality.

These days, glasses are not only functional devices, but also a fashion accessory. Many young people use them as a way to express their individuality and creativity.

From vintage and retro models to bold and modern designs, glasses can add a unique accent to your look.

The glasses are easy to maintain and use. They just need to be cleaned regularly with a microfiber cloth and a special eyeglass cleaning spray.

Also, they require no special skills or training to wear, making them suitable for people of all ages.

Glasses are a proven and reliable solution for farsightedness correction. They are easy to use, affordable and safe, making them suitable for people of all ages and lifestyles.

With the wide variety of frames available, glasses can be customized to suit your unique style and preferences.

Although they are functional, glasses can also be a fashion accessory, adding an extra accent to your image.

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a modern alternative to glasses and are the preferred choice for many people who need vision correction. They are almost invisible and offer a wider field of vision, making them particularly suitable for sports and other outdoor activities.

There are different types of contact lenses to suit the varied needs and preferences of consumers. Soft lenses are made of flexible and water-permeable materials that allow enough oxygen to reach the cornea of ​​the eye. They are comfortable to wear and adapt quickly.

Hard, or gas permeable lenses, on the other hand, offer clearer vision and are more resistant to wear and tear. They are ideal for people with corneal irregularities or dry eyes.

Contact lenses can be disposable, long-term or monthly, depending on the material they are made of and the individual needs of the user. Your eye doctor can advise you on which type is best for your eyes and lifestyle.

Although contact lenses are more expensive than glasses, they offer a number of benefits that may justify the higher cost. For example, they do not blur when the temperature changes and offer a more natural look to the environment.

It is important to note that contact lenses require more care and meticulous hygiene to prevent infections and other eye problems. They must be cleaned and disinfected after each use and stored in a special solution.

Although contact lenses are suitable for most adults, they may not be the best choice for children. Children are often not old enough to care for their lenses properly, which can lead to eye problems. Also, children’s eyes are still developing, and some types of lenses may not be suitable for them.

Presbyopia surgery

Surgery is an option for some people to permanently and permanently cure their vision.

In principle, these operations are not included in the basic package of health activities and services guaranteed by the NHIF budget, and therefore laser eye surgery is expensive, but offers the possibility of restoring normal vision permanently. The procedure is usually painless.

With this type of surgery, there is a great potential for a complete and permanent solution to the farsightedness problem in most people.

Others may have significant improvement but still need glasses or contact lenses for minimal vision correction.

However, a small number of people develop complications after surgery to correct farsightedness. Some people see blurry or their eye can’t adjust to seeing in the dark at all.

However, before starting with this type of treatment, some research should be done. First ask a few specialists to guide you and guide you if you have anything at all from this operation.

It is also important to be aware of some facts such as the failure rate, the risk of complications, the level of follow-up care.

Prevention of farsightedness

How often should I have a visual acuity test?

This depends on your age, your genetic predisposition and your health.

If you have diabetes, increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma), macular degeneration, or a family history, you are at risk of worsening of sight.

You must have an examination with the ophthalmologist and he will recommend how often you should have examinations.

As a recommendation, if you fall into the high-risk group, you should have an eye test at least once a year and also if you are over 60 years of age.

If you are over the age of 50, it should be every two years, and if you are over 40, an eye exam is recommended at least every three years.

If you do not fall into the risk groups and are between 19 and 40 years old and have no symptoms of vision impairment, it is recommended to go to an ophthalmologist for an examination once every 10 years.

If you are between 41 and 55 years old and have no symptoms – the recommended test is at 5 years, between 56 and 64 years at 3 years and over 65 years – the recommended interval between examinations by an ophthalmologist is 2 years.

In conclusion, hypermetropia is a common visual disorder that can be successfully corrected using lenses, glasses, or surgery.

Regular eye exams are important to detect and treat vision problems and ensure clear and distinct vision for affected individuals.

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