

Myopia is a common vision disorder that causes difficulty seeing distant objects.

This is due to an overly elongated eyeball or uneven surface of the cornea, which refracts light in a way that prevents images from focusing properly on the retina.

Although it is often hereditary, more and more research indicates that lifestyle and the stress we put on our eyes also play a role in the development of this visual disorder.

For example, long hours spent in front of computer screens or other electronic devices can strain the eyes and contribute to the development of myopia.

Also, reading in dim light or focusing too much on close objects can increase the risk of myopia.

What is myopia?

Myopia or myopia is a type of vision disorder that occurs as a result of an excessively elongated eyeball or an uneven surface of the cornea, which causes uneven and random refraction of the rays from the object , which we observe.

And the rays instead of focusing on the retina, they focus in front of it, which provokes the blurred images of the more distant objects.

Myopia is a very common disorder, affecting more than ¼ of the population in developed countries.

There is also a lot of evidence to support the theory that it is hereditary, but more and more research is confirming that myopia is an abnormality caused by our lifestyle and the stress we put on our eyes when reading in poor light or holding the book too close very close to the eyes and we focus too much on the computer screen.

Typically, myopia first appears at an early age because the eye continues to grow and develop until about age 20.

However, in recent years, the disorder appears much more often than constant eye strain and in diabetes.

Heredity plays a role in the onset of myopia, but there are other factors such as lifestyle and eye strain.

Symptoms may include difficulty seeing distant objects, eye fatigue, and headaches.

Early detection and treatment with glasses, contact lenses, or surgical procedures such as orthokeratology and laser correction are important to prevent the complications that myopia can cause, such as glaucoma and retinal detachment.

Symptoms of myopia

Symptoms of myopia can vary depending on age and the degree of the disorder.

Although difficulty seeing objects at a distance is most common, there are other symptoms that can occur with myopia.

In addition to difficulty seeing distant objects, people with myopia often experience eye fatigue, especially after prolonged reading or computer work.

This is because the eyes have to strain more to focus the image on the retina. This fatigue can lead to headaches, especially in high-stress situations or when exposed to bright light.

In myopic children, the symptoms may be more difficult to recognize because they may not be able to explain what they see. In these cases, parents and teachers should be careful about the child’s behavior.

For example, if a child often bends his head to read a book or watch TV, this may be a sign of myopia. Also, if a child has difficulty seeing the board at school or often complains of headaches, this can also be an indicator of vision problems.

It is important to note that myopia often develops during childhood and adolescence when the eyes are still growing. Therefore, it is important that children have regular eye examinations in order to detect and correct vision problems in time.

Treatment of myopia

A comprehensive optical examination will also include a myopia test. An optician can prescribe glasses or contact lenses that correct nearsightedness by bending the visual images that enter the eyes, focusing them at the back of the eye.

Depending on the severity of myopia, you may need to wear glasses or contact lenses for certain activities, such as watching television or driving.

And if your myopia is in its most severe form, you will have to wear glasses or contact lenses all the time.

Another option for myopia treatment is orthokeratology, also known as corneal refraction therapy.

This is a non-operative procedure that involves wearing a series of specially designed rigid gas-permeable contact lenses that gradually reshape the cornea, allowing you to regain your lost visual acuity.

Hard lenses put pressure on the cornea of ​​the eye and this changes the way light is focused on the retina that we use to see images.

Laser procedures are also a possible treatment for myopia in adults. These involve remodeling the cornea by removing a small portion of eye tissue. This is achieved with a highly focused laser beam on the surface of the eye.

For people with more severe forms of myopia, there are options for surgical procedures that involve implanting a small lens that will correct the abnormality, directly inside the eye.

As a prevention against myopia, various exercises to strengthen the eye muscles are recommended. You can start blinking more often, preferably at 4-5 second intervals.

And when you have to work longer on a computer, it is recommended to take breaks every 30 minutes, putting your hands in front of your eyes so that they tightly cover them.< /em>

Myopia is a violation of visual acuity, which in rare cases could lead to more serious complications.

If measures are not taken in time for its treatment, it is possible to manifest as a risk factor for the occurrence of glaucoma, macular generation, < a>strabismus and retinal detachment.

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