
Increased solar activity can cause early death

From the conduct of a series of experiments by Norwegian scientists, it was established that there is a relationship between human life expectancy and solar activity. It turned out that ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of premature death.

The study, which was conducted at the Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology, showed that children born in years of increased solar activity are more likely to die early.

In addition, scientists have found that children who were born in a period of low solar activity have more chances to have healthy offspring in the future.

The results of the experiment showed the negative influence of ultraviolet radiation on children born in the years of high solar activity. Such children lived 5.2 years less, and also more often died in the first 2 years of life.

Scientists note that the negative impact of solar activity can be passed down through generations. Even if a person born in a period of increased ultraviolet radiation did not die in the first 2 years of his life, he had fewer children than other people.

Norwegian scientists also noticed the long-term consequences of increased solar activity – in the generation of such people there were also fewer children.

To determine the level of influence of solar activity, experts used all the information about the presence of sunspots, which allows to clarify the amount of sunlight each year.

The results showed that the amount of sunspots reaches its maximum every 11 years, which also determines a high level of solar activity on the planet within the corresponding year.

It should be noted that the levels of ultraviolet radiation are related to the formation of vitamin D in the body, or more precisely in the skin when exposed to sunlight, but this negatively affects the amount of folic acid or vitamin B9.


Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the need for an optimal amount of folic acid during pregnancy, as a low level of this vitamin is closely related to a high risk of the child’s death.

Statistics show the negative impact of vitamin B9 deficiency in families with low socioeconomic status.

According to scientists’ forecasts, in the near future the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface will increase, which may affect human life expectancy.

Nevertheless, the authors of the study do not rule out that the results of the conducted experiments also influenced other factors, taking into account which it is possible to change the situation for the better.

It should be noted that in 2014 the results of a study carried out by a group of scientists from Germany, the Netherlands and New Zealand were published, within which the data for patients during the period of economic crisis.

Researchers found that fear of job loss can trigger asthma.

Scientists studied the medical records of 7,000 adults between 2009 and 2011.

It turned out that the onset of asthma was registered in 105 of them.

Within additional studies, the scientists found that among people who were afraid of losing their job, there were more people who got sick.

Statistics show that the risk of developing diseases due to emotional overstrain associated with the fear of being left without a source of income increases by about 60%.

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