

An itchy rash around the groin often affects the inner thighs and adjacent skin, including the scrotum in men. The medical name for this type of rash is intertrigo. p>

Most often, the condition is caused by sweating, friction /friction can be due to occlusive clothing and prolonged skin-to-skin friction/.

The rash can affect not only the groin, but also any area of ​​the skin where there is direct skin-to-skin friction, for example, around the anus and under skin folds in overweight people.

The itchy rash can affect men and sometimes women no matter where they live in the world.

The main risk factors are:

• Heat;
• Humidity;
• Wearing tight clothing;
• Moist skin folds that may appear with obesity or excessive sweating.

Although several microorganisms have been identified as the cause of the rash, in most cases the cause is non-infectious and the condition is triggered by certain factors, most often environmental and physiological, that irritate the skin and they are:

• Psoriasis;
• Allergic contact dermatitis;
Hidradenitis suppurativa;
• Dandruff – seborrheic dermatitis;

What are the symptoms?

Intertrigo begins with localized itching in the affected skin fold. The area of ​​itching may increase and cover a larger area. The rash appears as slightly raised above the surrounding skin black plaques with pointed borders.

On the edges of the plaques, small pimples or even purulent ones may appear, which are reddish in the center. If they become infected with yeast, which are fungi consisting of 1 cell, the rash becomes brighter red and moist.

A yeast infection also causes a rash on the tip of the penis, while other infectious organisms spare the male genitalia. Women who have a vaginal yeast infection feel itchy and usually have a thick, white, curd-like vaginal discharge. The itchy rash becomes more irritating over time.

What are the causes?

The itchy rash is more common in men because the male genitalia results in increased friction and moisture. And women are prone to the development of a similar rash under the breasts.

Intertrigo is most often not caused by microorganisms, but by friction, humidity and heat. However, it is not uncommon for microorganisms such as fungus to simultaneously infect the site of the rash.

• People taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, those with weakened immune systems, as well as diabetics are at risk of developing an itchy rash.
• Wearing tight clothing predisposes the development of infection. A rash can be prevented by applying large amounts of lubricating oils such as petroleum jelly to areas of skin that may be affected.

Intertrigo treatment

If you have itching or redness in the groin area, try to keep the area dry, let the skin breathe as much as possible and avoid putting tight clothes on the affected area.

Symptoms may disappear with applying a little bit of 1% hydrocortisone cream and on top of that layer apply a thick layer of zinc ointment to the affected area for 3 to 4 days. If this proves ineffective, you can apply antifungal medication to the affected area.

Most antifungal medications are available without a prescription. They are available as a spray, cream, ointment and as a powder. Some people may develop an allergic reaction to the fungicide, so stop using it if you notice your rash getting bigger.

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