
Low self-esteem

Self-esteem is the overall assessment or self-worth of a particular person.

It is considered a personality characteristic that develops in childhood and influences a person’s behavior, social interaction and overall well-being.

People with low self-esteem lack confidence in their social relationships and are often plagued by a sense of failure.

They cannot stand up for themselves and their positions and are prone to displays of dependent behaviors. They can easily lose their temper and blame others for their problems. It is possible that the condition was provoked by physical disabilities.

What are the symptoms?

Those affected may suffer from a lack of social skills and self-confidence and may isolate others.

Lack of self-confidence can be expressed in difficulty giving their own opinion or needing to ask someone to find out exactly what they want.

Their thoughts most of the time are pessimistic or overly negative. Lack of self-confidence makes people unable to accept criticism and easily become defensive.

Additionally, eating disorders and substance abuse are common problems in people suffering from low self-esteem.

What causes it?

The condition originates in childhood.

Adverse experiences such as a lack of security or parental affection, excessive criticism, appearance or health problems, physical or sexual abuse, or other traumatic events can lead to insufficient self-esteem as in adulthood.

Adverse experiences in a person’s life in adulthood can also cause the condition, such as unemployment, family problems or divorce, facing financial difficulties, health problems or psychological trauma.

Mental disorders such as depression or anxiety and personality disorders are also interrelated with lack of self-esteem.

Treating Low Self-Esteem

When a person’s self-esteem becomes so low that it begins to cause problems and negatively affects their daily activities at school or work, their personal and family relationships, then should seek specialized help and begin intensive treatment.

When low self-esteem is linked to psychological problems, those affected are reluctant to seek treatment.

Establishing the correct diagnosis and preparing an appropriate treatment plan is extremely important.

Substance abuse and self-medication are also common among people with low self-esteem. But in this way it seriously affects the effectiveness of psychological and medical care.

People suffering from this peculiar syndrome of missing self-esteem are often isolated or isolate themselves from their family and close people, thus depriving themselves of the opportunity to deal with this problem.

NLP techniques or neuro-linguistic programming are extremely effective for increasing self-esteem.

To perform them, however, you need to be in a comfortable place and take a comfortable position, and it is important that no one disturbs you.

It is also good to keep you awake so that you are better able to visualize the images in your mind. In complete rest you must imagine yourself in an ideal state of body and spirit.

Recreate in your mind how you look as strong, perfect, harmonious, gentle and happy, in the best state you have ever imagined.

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