Low sperm quality unlocks new diseases
Defects of sperm in sperm can be associated with various health problems.
Some of them are high blood pressure, heart disease, glandular and skin disorders – prove the latest research.
“Sperm defects do not cause these problems. It is more likely that sperm quality affects overall health,” the researchers said.
“It may turn out that infertility is a marker of disease in general,” said Michael Eisenberg, a professor of urology in California.
Semen is a fluid that is released when a man ejaculates. It also contains the sperm.
Sperm defects can affect the quality of sperm.
Sperm defects include problems such as sperm that are too low or that do not move well (motility), or simply poor sperm quality, according to the American Association for Reproductive Medicine.
“There are many factors that involve a person’s overall health that prove fatal to sperm production,” Eisenberg says.
Treating conditions such as high blood pressure can improve sperm quality, notes the professor.
Eisenberg also added that he is not sure whether the condition itself, linked to defective sperm, is to blame for these diseases.
He also theorized that such a condition could be the result of many other factors, even excessive use of certain medications.
“Still, many things are not clear to me.” – Eisenberg added.
“A lot of things that I don’t know about can affect the quality of a man’s sperm. Even the treatment of some very minor diseases can be a factor,” he explained.
“Genes also, perhaps, play an important role” – suggested the professor. “About 10% of a man’s genes are involved in sperm production.”
“So it’s entirely possible that some of these genes have knock-on effects on other vital functions.”
In a study published online on December 10, many facts about fertility became clear.
About 9,000 men, observed from 1994-2014 for infertility, participated in the study.
Men are mostly between 30 and 50 years old.
In over 50% of them, fertility problems are due to low-quality sperm.
In 44% of those examined, it is clear that, in addition to defects in sperm and its synthesis, they also have other health problems, such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure and others.
Eisenberg also added that it is not correct to look only at birth rates.
He said that for a truly healthy generation, referring to healthy newborns without permanent disabilities, attention should also be paid to spermosynthesis.
“These things cannot happen by themselves. The process of conceiving and giving birth to a child is very long. Much longer than 9 months”
“It all starts years ago and revolves around the question is the man’s sperm quality or not?” – added the Californian professor.
Scientists are currently fighting all these controversial claims because their real goal is to improve the quality of life.
May there be more and more young families with perfectly healthy babies, more happy mothers and fathers.
Specialists continue to work on the question of whether other health problems are related to the defects in the sperm, and if so, in what way?