

If you try to look up the definition of “macaroni” in old dictionaries, you can find this – an Italian national dish, itself a tube-like shape of wheat dough.

Where did macaroni actually appear?

The word macaroni is of Italian origin and is used all over the world, so there can be no doubt where this dish originated, despite this about pasta products /in the form of homemade noodles/ is already mentioned in ancient Greek documents.

It is believed that macaroni was first prepared by the inhabitants of the island of Sicily in the Middle Ages. And they were the first to think of garnishing them with cheese, dousing them with olive oil and adding spices.

Subsequently, machines for cutting the wheat dough and presses were invented, which made it possible to produce pasta of various types and shapes.

Macaroni – useful properties

Italian pasta differs in composition, length, thickness, color and shape, as well as in preparation time, but foreigners have difficulty distinguishing them, so they are conditionally divided into 3 types.

And pasta can be long, short and stuffed, and also based on the composition of the wheat dough – with and without eggs.
Pasta from durum varieties of wheat are considered the best.

They are a source of very useful vegetable proteins, and fats are not present at all. They contain complex carbohydrates that are slowly broken down and do not cause fat accumulation.

In addition, they are called macaroni /macaroni from hard varieties of wheat/, and the rest with added flour from soft varieties of grain – just pasta.

In Bulgaria, they are large, small and very small in size, but they are also subdivided by shape – long, short, curly and curvy.

Composition and caloric content

Even ordinary pasta made from white flour, of course from hard varieties of wheat, contains many useful and necessary substances for health.

The fats in the pasta are very little and are absolutely natural – those contained in the wheat grains.

They also contain a large amount of proteins and even more complex carbohydrates, there are also vegetable fibers, starch, fatty acids, vitamins – PP, E, from group B, H; minerals – potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulphur, sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, mobile, silicon, cobalt – as you can see, the mineral composition is extremely rich.

Most people think that macaroni is a “horribly high-calorie” food and fills you up not for days, but for hours, but this is nothing more than speculation and hearsay.

100 grams of dry pasta contains 340 kilocalories, while ready-made pasta, i.e. cooked pasta, contains twice as many, i.e. only 170.

If one eats this dish with vegetables or if one adds olive oil, cheese or seafood, one will not gain weight unless one overeats.

From a portion of pasta, he would get carbohydrates, which are digested slowly and keep you feeling full.

The balance of nutrients in white durum wheat flour provide the body with everything it needs, in which the volume of its muscle tissue remains unchanged and vitamin deficiency does not occur.

Unfortunately, today the wheat from which the flour is made is too refined and then synthetic vitamins are added, but even in this case macaroni is much more useful than other pasta products, because there is no fat in it, yeast, sugar and other additives, as in sweets and bread.

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