
Nicotine addiction

Nicotine dependence, also called tobacco dependence, is an addiction to tobacco products caused by the substance nicotine.

This means that the use of the alkaloid cannot be stopped, although it may harm the user.

Nicotine affects the brain, changes the mood, which is temporarily pleasant.

These effects make a person want to use the substance and lead to addiction. At the same time, quitting smoking causes withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability and anxiety.

Although nicotine is contained in tobacco, its toxic effects on the body are due to its other components.

Smokers are much more likely to have heart disease, stroke and cancer than non-smokers.

Regardless of how long a person has smoked, stopping smoking helps improve health.

There are many effective treatments for tobacco addiction that gradually help you quit smoking.

What are the symptoms?

For most people, using any amount of tobacco can quickly lead to tobacco addiction.

The signs that a person may be addicted are:

Unable to stop smoking. Has made one or more serious but unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking.

• Develops withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop smoking. His attempts are thwarted by physical and mood-related signs and symptoms such as strong appetite, anxiety, irritability, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, depressed mood, feelings of frustration, anger, insomnia, constipation or diarrhea; p>

Continues to smoke, despite health problems. Although he has developed problems with his lungs or heart, he is unable to stop them.

• May give up social and recreational activities in order to smoke. He may also stop associating with certain family members or friends because they are non-smokers and do not enjoy smoking in front of them.

What are the causes?

Nicotine is a highly toxic alkaloid in tobacco that leads to addiction to cigarettes.

The substance leads fastest to addiction when it enters the lungs by inhaling tobacco smoke.

This increases the release of neurotransmitters – signaling substances in the nervous system that help regulate mood and behavior.

One of these neurotransmitters is dopamine, which improves mood and activates the sense of pleasure.

Nicotine addiction encompasses both behavioral and physical factors.

Most often, people addicted to nicotine resort to cigarettes:

• During certain times of the day, such as first thing in the morning, with your morning coffee or during breaks during working hours;

• After eating;

• When using alcohol;

• In certain places or when they are with friends;

• When they talk on the phone;

• In stressful situations or when they don’t feel well;

• When they see or smell a burning cigarette;

• When driving;

Treatment for Nicotine Addiction

It is important for a person who is addicted to nicotine to have a plan to manage withdrawal symptoms.

They are most intense during the first week after quitting smoking. And they usually last for several weeks with decreasing intensity.

Although most nicotine withdrawal symptoms go away within a month, it is sometimes possible for a person to experience a strong desire or craving to smoke for more than a month after quitting.

Triggers or cues that a person has associated with smoking can trigger this strong need for cigarettes.

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