

Neuroderma – essence

Neuroderma starts with itching in a certain place on the skin, but scratching can make the sensation even more pronounced.

A person may simply have a habit of scratching. This cycle of chronic itching and scratching can then alter the outer surface of the skin, making it thick and rough.

Neurodermatitis is also called chronic lichen simplex, and is not serious, but stopping the cycle of itching, scratching, and then again, is a real challenge.

Successful treatment depends on identifying and eliminating the factors that aggravate the skin condition.

In most cases, over-the-counter creams and ointments are used for this purpose, and they soothe the skin and partially control itching.

What are the symptoms

• Itching in a specific area of ​​the skin;
• Rough or scaly texture of the affected area of ​​skin;
• A tough and raised surface that is redder or darker than the rest.

The main symptom of the condition is skin itching which most often originates from a spot located on the neck, wrist, forearm, thigh or ankle.

Sometimes the characteristic lesion appears in the genital area such as the scrotum or vulva.

The itching, which is sometimes very strong, is paroxysmal in most people.

Consult your GP if you notice that you repeatedly scratch the same spot on your skin.

Itching prevents you from focusing on your daily activities. Your skin becomes painful or looks infected.

What are the causes

The exact reason for the occurrence of the disease is not known. Sometimes the characteristic lesion appears as a result of friction or irritation of the skin, such as tight clothing or an insect bite.

When a person rubs or irritates affected skin, they get itching. And the more you scratch, the more it itches.

In some cases, neuroderma is associated with other skin diseases such as dry skin, eczema, psoriasis. Stress and anxiety can also trigger itching.

Some factors condition the development of the skin disease:

• Gender and age – women are much more prone than men. People in the 30-50 age group are most often affected.

• Other skin diseases – people with a personal or family history of eczema, psoriasis or other similar clinical conditions are at a higher risk of developing this skin disease as well.

• Anxiety disorders – anxiety and stress can cause itching that causes the disease to occur.

What are the complications

Persistent scratching can lead to bacterial skin infection and permanent scarring or skin discoloration.

The constant need for a person to scratch can disturb their sleep.

Treatment of neurodermatitis

To relieve itching and skin irritation, you can do the following:

• Try over-the-counter medications initially – apply an anti-itch cream or lotion to the affected area. An over-the-counter cream containing chorditosone can temporarily relieve itching.

The oral antihistamine diphenhydramine can be helpful for very severe itching.

• Cover the affected area – bandages can help protect the skin and prevent it from scratching. This is especially helpful if you scratch while sleeping.

Keep your nails clean and trimmed regularly – short nails will cause less damage to the skin when scratching, especially if you tend to scratch while sleeping.

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