
Onion Onion

Onion, also known as “onion” is one of the most ancient fruit crops. In China, Iran and the Mediterranean countries, this vegetable has been known since 4000 BC. Onion is a perennial plant.

In the first year, a bulb with a diameter of 1-2.5 cm grows from the seeds. This is the so-called fresh or green onion, which is also widely used in our country. In the following season, the small bulbs grow and form large ones, from which inflorescences with seeds are formed in the third year.

Onion varieties are mainly divided into spicy, semi-spicy sweet. The different varieties of onions are also grown in a different way – for the planting of some of them, seeds are used, and for others, arpajik – are small bulbs, in which the onion seeds are planted at very small distances.

In Bulgaria, the hot varieties of onions – Lyaskovski and Trimontsium, the hot ones – Jubilee 50 and the sweet ones – Asenovgradska kaba No. 5, which is perishable, are better known.

Beneficial properties of onions

Onion bulbs contain nitrogen compounds /up to 2.5%/, are rich in sugars /10-11%, among which are glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose/, the polysaccharide inulin, phytin, the flavonoid quercetin and its glycosides, fats, various enzymes, calcium salts and phosphorus, phytoncides, citric and malic acid, and the following vitamins /values ​​are per 100 grams/ :

• A – 3.75 mg;
• B1 – 60 mg;
• B2 – 50 mg;
• B3 – 0.20 mg;
• Ascorbic acid – 10.5 -33 mg;

Onion also contains an essential oil with a pungent specific smell that irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.
The main ingredient of this essential oil is disulfide and other sulfides.

Onions Onions emit specific volatile substances – phytoncides, which destroy fungi and pathogenic bacteria. Volatile phytoncides destroy the diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus.

Fresh onions increase appetite, help to increase the secretion of digestive juices, stimulate the formation of seminal fluid, increase sex drive, normalize menstrual cycles. Also, this vegetable has strong diuretic properties and is used to treat hydrocephalus.

The onion has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, it also has an antiviral effect and accumulates in itself the life-giving earth energy. This vegetable increases the efficiency of food absorption, increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.

Onions are used in gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by insufficient motor and secretory function of the stomach, in hypertension, atherosclerosis, general weakness, in colds and in reduced sexual activity.

In conventional medicine, onions are used as a remedy for scurvy and as an anthelmintic.

In folk medicine, it is recommended to eat 100 grams of green onions every day. In this way, it is an aid in diseases of the liver and bile ducts.

For diabetes, both raw and cooked onions are useful.

Onion juice with honey works very well with atherosclerosis – take 1 tablespoon of the mixture 3 times a day. Onion juice strengthens capillaries and expands blood vessels.

In Ancient Greece, onions were among the most frequently used and favorite vegetables.

Onion tincture has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, prevents constipation, relieves pain, promotes the dissolution and release of sand and small stones in nephrolithiasis.

Onion roasted in cow’s butter or boiled in milk relieves cough and helps to release sputum more easily.

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