

Beneficial properties

The citrus fruit known to every Bulgarian, which prevails in the current winter season on the market, contains vitamins C, B1, PP, B2, A, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, citric and ascorbic acid, thiamine and pectin.

The beneficial properties of orange can be used to support the functions of the human endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

The pulp of the citrus fruit is an excellent means of accelerating the healing of wounds. Orange juice contains phytoncides, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity and are successfully used to treat scurvy.

Scientists have found that this citrus drink tones and increases the activity of metabolic processes.

The orange is also distinguished by the fact that the citric acid contained in it protects it from the accumulation of nitrates and nitrites. It is known for its beneficial properties and orange oil.

It is obtained from the peel of the fruits, leaves and flowers of orange trees. Bitter and sweet orange are used for the production of the oil, as they differ in aroma and content of active substances.

Orange oil has bactericidal, deodorizing, toning, antiseptic, antispasmodic properties.

It is extremely useful for depression, anorexia, improves appetite, increases visual acuity, relieves inflammation of the gums, promotes the release of excess bile and stimulates immunity.

Orange – application

Regular consumption of oranges, thanks to pectin and vegetable fibers, helps to increase the efficiency of digestion, to improve the functions of the intestines, to reduce the putrefactive processes taking place in them and to prevent the development of constipation.

Red sweet orange, also known as blood orange, is believed to be very beneficial for obesity.

The popular citrus fruit also helps with avitaminosis, hypertension, gout, atherosclerosis, decreased acidity of gastric juices and weak bile secretion.

Drinking orange juice regularly is beneficial for people with liver and lung diseases, as well as those suffering from anemia and joint diseases.

But a better effect is observed with the combined freshly squeezed juices, for example from orange and apple – both fruits are rich in pectin and therefore have a positive effect on intestinal function, or from lemon and orange – a wonderful means of maximally saturating the body with vitamin C.

Also thanks to ascorbic acid /C6H8O6/, lemon and orange mixed with honey have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels – the resulting drink has a cleansing and strengthening effect on them, helps to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and therefore prevents stroke, angina pectoris and heart attack .


Orange oil should not be taken internally in pure form on an empty stomach and more than 3 drops per day.

To avoid increased photosensitivity, it is desirable to avoid going outside immediately after applying the citrus oil to the skin, it is recommended that this procedure be carried out about 1 hour before exposure to sunlight.

Despite its beneficial properties, the orange is a strong allergen, therefore, in case of individual intolerance to fresh fruit, its oil and juice should not be used.

Slight burning and tingling of the skin on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and shoulders is considered natural when taking orange oil baths.

You should not brush your teeth immediately after eating an orange or drinking its juice.

The organic acids contained in citrus fruits soften the tooth enamel, and with rougher handling of the toothbrush, it is possible to start a process of compromising it.

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