

Binging is a serious eating disorder characterized by the frequent consumption of abnormally large amounts of food.

Almost every person has had the chance to overeat it. But in some people the tendency to overeat becomes a common practice and those affected tend to hide this harmful habit.

Those affected by an eating disorder realize that it is harming them and may even swear they will not overeat again.

However, when they begin to eat and consume enough to satisfy themselves, they feel a very strong physical urge to continue until they overeat and the body is unable to absorb any more food.

What are the symptoms?

It is possible for a person with an eating disorder to show no physical signs and symptoms.

He may also be overweight,obese or normal weight.

However, most affected people develop a variety of behavioral and emotional signs and symptoms, such as:

• Consume excessively large amounts of food that do not match their weight and height;
• Eat even when they have already eaten and feel full;
• Binge eating during episodes of binge eating;
• Often eat alone;
• Feel that their eating habits in terms of the amount of food taken in are out of control;
• Eat even when they feel full;
• Affected feel depressed, ashamed, guilty or upset about not being able to control the amount of food they consume;
• Live in constant depression and anxiety;
• Feel isolated and they find it difficult to talk about their feelings;
• They often follow a diet, but in most cases a reduction in body mass is not achieved;
• They lose and gain weight repeatedly;

After binge eating, eating disorder sufferers attempt to switch to restricted eating or eating normally.

But reducing the amounts of food consumed creates the conditions for overeating again, which creates a vicious circle.

When to seek medical attention?

If you have any symptoms of an eating disorder, seek medical attention as soon as possible, as it usually does not resolve by itself and may worsen if left untreated.

Treatment of overeating

• Cognitive behavioral therapy /CBT/– helps to deal with the problems that can cause overeating, such as negative feelings about one’s own body or depressed mood.

This method of treatment gives sufferers a better sense of control over their behavior and eating habits.

Interpersonal psychotherapy – focuses on current relationships with other people. The goal is to improve interpersonal skills – how those affected relate to others, including family, friends and colleagues.

This in most cases helps to better manage the eating disorder when it is caused by bad relationships and insufficient communication skills.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – this method of treatment aims at the acquisition of behavioral skills by the affected person, with the help of which he can control stress, regulate emotions and improve his relations with others.


In most cases, after therapy, sufferers of the eating disorder can control their desire to consume excessive amounts of food.

There is no specific medication for treatment, but sometimes doctors prescribe antidepressants that work by improving mood.

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