

The parsnip belongs to the umbelliferae family, it is a biennial herbaceous plant with thick, sweet and pleasantly smelling root crops. Its flowers are yellow, and the fruits are round-elliptical with a yellowish brown color. They bloom in July and August, and the fruits ripen in September.

Beneficial properties

Parsnip contains carotene, vitamin C, carbohydrates, essential oils. The essential oil of this vegetable enhances sexual attraction. Root vegetables contain vitamins B1, B2 and B3 /nicotinic acid/ and mineral salts.

In terms of content of easily digestible carbohydrates, this vegetable occupies one of the first places among root vegetables.

Parsnip is a source of large amounts of potassium, and the salts of this chemical element contribute to the removal of excess fluids from the body through the excretory system.

This vegetable also stimulates blood circulation, improves digestion, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The complex of vitamins, macro and microelements found in parsnips is similar in composition to that in spinach leaves, but is smaller in quantity.

The presence of a large amount of essential oils was found in the leaves of this vegetable, and its roots contain 3 times more fructose and sucrose than carrots, which are sweet and even harmless for diabetics.

Vitamins and minerals are more in parsnip than in parsley. But a unique property of this vegetable is that it relieves spasms, as it contains a specific compound.

With proper application of grated and fresh root of parsnip, it reduces and even stops attacks of kidney and liver colic.

This vegetable improves digestion, strengthens capillary walls, acts as an analgesic and expectorant and has tonic properties.

Parsnip was used by ancient healers as a diuretic for edema and as a means to stimulate sexual activity, to increase appetite and as a pain reliever for kidney, liver and intestinal colic.

Folk healers also recommend a tincture of the roots of this vegetable to stimulate the appetite and lift the mood. Parsnip was also used to restore the strength of the seriously ill.

But few people know that this vegetable, and more precisely its root, has the property of removing spasms of blood vessels. Its use in hypertension, angina pectoris and muscle spasms is demonstrable.

The infusion of this plant has a calming effect, which is why it is used for neuroses and also to improve sleep.

Pastinacin, which is used for spasms of the coronary arteries and mild attacks of angina pectoris, and Beroxan, which is prescribed for vitiligo and alopecia areata, are produced on the basis of parsnips.

The juice of this root plant contains very little calcium and even less sodium, but it is an excellent source of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and chlorine.

The high content of sulfur and silicon help to deal with the problem of brittle nails. And the large amount of potassium improves brain activity.

Contraindications when using parsnip

Parsnip is not recommended for small children, elderly people, and also for individual intolerance.

In addition, this vegetable should not be used in case of photodermatosis – inflammation of the skin provoked by increased sensitivity to sunlight.

This is due to the fact that parsnips contain furanocoumarins, which increase the sensitivity of the skin to light.

It should be noted that on hot days, the leaves of this plant emit an essential oil that burns the skin, so gloves should be used when in contact with it.

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