
Passion fruit

An ancient tropical crop of the genus Passiflora, producing oval or yellow or dark purple flowers when ripe and reaching sizes of about 6-12 cm.

Passion fruit is grown for the juice, which is often added to other fruit juices for flavor. Fruits with smooth and shiny skin are preferable, but those with rough and cracked skin are sweeter.

The homeland of the exotic fruit is Brazil, but at the moment it is grown in Australia, in almost all of South America and South Africa.

Passion fruit can be cut in half and its aromatic fleshy part can be eaten. The seeds of this tropical fruit are edible and are commonly used to decorate cakes and other confectionery.

The sweet and sour juice of the passion fruit is valuable in cooking, but it also has a very invigorating effect, finding application even in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

When purchasing this passion fruit, choose the large fruits with wrinkled dark purple skin and sweet yellow-green seeds. Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

Passion fruit – useful properties

The fleshy part of the passion fruit contains up to 35-40% juice, and the carbohydrate content varies from 8.4 to 21.2%.

Proteins in the tropical fruit represent 2.2-3.0%, organic acids – 0.1-4.0%, minerals – 0.8-4.2%, fats – 0.4-0.7%.

Passion fruit is rich in such macro and microelements as iron, potassium, phosphorus, it contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc and fluorine.

The exotic fruit is also a source of vitamin C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, A, H, K.

Passion fruit contributes to the improvement of intestinal function and has a mild laxative effect. In addition, these fruits stimulate the release of uric acid from the body and are a natural antipyretic agent.

Passion fruit is recommended for people who suffer from diseases of the urinary tract and the liver, and also with low blood pressure. The juice of this exotic fruit has a calming effect and helps to improve sleep.

Passion fruit contains alpha hydroxy acids, thanks to which hydration, elasticity and skin tone are improved.

These compounds are commonly used in the production of various cosmetics to prevent premature aging of the skin from poor blood circulation.

Alpha hydroxy acids prevent the formation of acne and oiliness of the skin, due to the improper function of the sebaceous glands.

Passion fruit contains significant amounts of vitamins and useful minerals rich in plant fibers and substances with antioxidant activity.

Nutritionists recommend the consumption of this exotic fruit for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, urinary tract and for weight loss.

Passion fruit also has an antimicrobial, antipyretic and laxative effect, and also lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves the function of the digestive system and helps to remove from the body uric acid and other metabolic products deposited in body tissues.

The exotic fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the body from viral infections, regulates the nervous system.

And the seeds of the passion fruit, although they are edible, act as a hypnotic. Passion fruit contains the glycoside passiflorin, which ensures its calming effect on the whole organism. Medicines with a sedative effect are produced from this compound.


The consumption of this exotic fruit is not recommended for people with a predisposition to various allergic reactions.

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