

The pea is an annual herbaceous plant with a hollow stem, the color of which varies from light green to dark blue-green. Most varieties of vegetable peas have white, bisexual, self-pollinating flowers.

The fruit /in botany is a fruit, and for food it is used as a vegetable/of this herbaceous plant is a bean, which is often called a pod.

Depending on the variety, it has a different shape, size and color. Each pod contains 4-10 seeds arranged in a row.

The shape and color of the seeds are varied, and their surface is smooth or wrinkled. The color of the skin of the seeds corresponds to that of the flowers of the plant.

Nutritional value in 100 grams

• Proteins – 5 grams;
• Fats – 0.3 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 8.4 grams;
• Water – 80 grams ;
• Calorie content – ​​55 – 298 kilocalories;

Low-calorie, diet food, containing 55 kilocalories per 100 grams. When cooked, a person can get 60 kilocalories from peas.

And in dried form, an increased amount of carbohydrates is observed and its caloric value is 298 kilocalories per 100 grams. Therefore, in this form, its use in large quantities by people suffering from obesity is not recommended.

Peas – useful properties

This vegetable is the richest source of protein among vegetable crops. Its proteins are similar to those of meat, as it contains a number of essential amino acids – cystine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine.

Also in peas, the presence of a large amount of ascorbic acid up to 59 mg in 100 grams, various sugars – over 7%, starch – 1-3%, vitamin C, PP, from group B, provitamin A, carotene, dietary fiber.

The nutritional value of peas is 1.5-2 times higher than that of potatoes and other vegetables. In addition, the vegetable is rich in potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus and iron. It also contains magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt.

Pea pods are a valuable source of chlorophyll, iron and other substances controlling the body’s calcium content. Peeled peas, that is, with the pods removed, are devoid of vitamins and important trace elements.

Fresh garden peas have weak diuretic properties. It also provides relief from stomach ulcer pain as it helps reduce stomach acidity.

But in such a case, peas should be consumed in the form of puree.
The vegetable has no other particularly valuable healing properties.

People who suffer from vitamin A deficiency should preferably eat it raw in the form of puree or juice and should not combine it with starchy foods.

Recently, the results of a study were published, in which it was convincingly proved that the common garden pea is a real medicine.

The fruits of the plant contain a high percentage of antioxidants /substances that neutralize reactive oxygen molecules/, proteins and minerals important for the body, such as calcium and iron.

Consumption of peas reduces the likelihood of developing cancer, heart attack, hypertension and slows down the aging process of the skin.

Peas are an essential food for maintaining good heart health, as this vegetable has very little fat, and some varieties have none at all.

Peas also have no cholesterol and no sodium, but have plant fiber that lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Peas help control diabetes because the carbohydrates it contains consist of glucose and fructose, which enter the blood directly without creating the need for insulin secretion.

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