

Radish is a root vegetable whose roots are used as food, which is grown as a vegetable in many countries around the world. Its Latin name “radix” means root.

The root crops are up to 3 cm in diameter and are covered with a thin skin, which is most often red, pink or white-pink in color. The radish has a slightly spicy taste.

This typical taste is determined by the content in the plant of mustard oil, which under pressure is converted into a glycoside.
The homeland of the radish is considered to be Central Asia. This vegetable has been known there since ancient times.

Radish was also popular in Ancient Japan, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. In Ancient Rome, the winter varieties of this vegetable were consumed with honey, vinegar and salt.

In Europe, radishes began to be grown in the 16th century. At the end of the 16th century, radish roots were white and shaped like carrots.

Composition of radish roots

Radish contains potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, niacin and ascorbic acid.
This vegetable contains thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B3.

A specific compound gives the radish a special taste.

Beneficial properties

Radish salads have moderate choleretic and diuretic properties, stimulate appetite, help improve intestinal peristalsis and easier release of intestinal contents.

The juice obtained from radish improves digestion and metabolism and is especially useful for people who suffer from obesity, gout and diabetes.

The use of radishes normalizes the skin tone of the face and gives it a fresher look, improves heart function and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Thanks to the abundance of vegetable fibers, this vegetable lowers the levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood and helps remove toxins from the body.

The presence of the specific substances phytoncides – a type of natural antibiotics – has been found in radishes. And that’s why people who prefer more bitter foods can avoid colds and inflammatory diseases.

It should be noted that the leaves of the radish contain no less vitamins and minerals than the root crops, that is why they should not be thrown away /the leaves/. Besides, the part of the plant that is above the ground is also used as food.

This vegetable contains substances that stabilize blood glucose levels. Therefore, doctors recommend people suffering from diabetes to consume as many radishes as possible.

American scientists from the Ohio State University have found that the use of fruits, vegetables and root vegetables with a violet or red color prevents the development of colon cancer.

The anti-cancer properties of the extracts of various foods with violet and red color were tested and based on the results, the scientists came to the conclusion that the reason for this effect is due to the coloring pigments they contain, called anthocyanins.

Research shows that purple corn, bilberry and chokeberry extracts have the strongest anti-cancer activity.

Anthocyanins in radishes and black carrots were found to slow the growth of cancer cells by 50-80%, and the pigments of purple corn and chokeberry not only completely stopped the growth of malignant cells, but also destroyed 20% of them without affect the normal and healthy.

Studies on laboratory mice have shown that consuming purple-colored foods can slow the growth of malignant tumors by more than 70%, thus allowing the body’s immune system to fight it off.

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