
Red wine

Red wine – a drink loved by many people who drink it with pleasure and even talk about its beneficial properties, but they cannot always imagine what exactly they consist of.

Why is the wine red in color? The skin of the fruits of the vine – grapes, contain incredibly useful substances – anthocyanins, which can protect people from many dangerous diseases.

Today there are many varieties of red wine in the world – over 4,500, and the varieties of red and black grapes from which the wine is made are also quite numerous.

Winemakers from different countries strive to offer wine from their grape varieties, and because of this, the drink differs in different regions of the world – both in taste, aroma and color, and even its useful properties are different.

However, red wine in general can be considered beneficial for health, of course, it should be consumed in moderation or preferably in small quantities.


Red wine, regardless of the variety of grapes it is made from, contains bioactive substances, vitamins and microelements, but the composition varies from variety to variety. The presence of larger amounts of natural sugars – fructose and glucose – is characteristic of sweet red wines, while there are almost no sugars in dry varieties.

The grape drink contains alcohol, fats and proteins, pectins, tannins, polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, but the main substance is considered to be resveratrol – a natural phenolic compound that has the property of preventing the appearance of tumors and the development of any malignant processes, and it has also been found to prolong life.

And that’s why in the countries where red wine is popular, there are always more longevity.

The taste of red wine is always more saturated than that of white with a soft and slightly tart shade, and the content of trace elements in it depends on the region where the grapes used for its production /of the wine/ were grown.< /p>

Most varieties of red and white grapes are rich in vitamin P, which we need to maintain the health of blood vessels and capillaries and which allows human cells to accumulate vitamin C – this vitamin is known to break down extremely quickly and is very important to take through food every day.

Red wine – useful properties

Louis Pasteur called red wine a “drink of health”, but today few people are familiar with its tonic properties, and most consider it simply a delicious and refreshing drink.


Good red wine can provide the body with energy for a long time – one liter of dry red wine contains about 700 kilocalories.

Healthy people who do not suffer from hepatitis, kidney diseases and chronic nervous and mental diseases, as well as allergies to grape products, can drink up to 150 ml of red wine daily, and this will only have a beneficial effect on their state of health.

Colds, flu and lung diseases are cured faster if heated red wine is used as an inhalation agent.

A glass of warm red wine with a small amount of ground red pepper is an excellent way to quickly overcome colds and sore throats.

Red wine should not be drunk just like that with any food and dishes.

Chocolate, oranges and other citrus fruits, as well as canned and fatty fish are not suitable for consumption at the same time as the grape drink – the taste of the wine in combination with these foods will inevitably be spoiled.

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