
Sheep milk

Sheep’s milk is traditionally used in Central Asia, North Caucasus, Middle Eastern countries, Greece and Italy. In Bulgaria, due to the higher price of dairy products from sheep’s milk, it has a more limited consumption.

In the countries where sheep’s milk is most sought after, specific breeds of sheep have been selected, whose lactation period lasts from 4 to 5 months and can give a total of up to 150 kg of milk. In Bulgaria, such a selected breed is the local Stara Zagorsk sheep, whose milk yield is 70-120 liters during the lactation period.

Sheep’s milk is very caloric and nutritious, and has a delicate and slightly sweet taste. In Bulgaria, it mainly produces cheese, which has much higher taste qualities than cow’s cheese, yellow cheese, and also butter and yogurt.

Because of its specific smell, sheep’s milk is rarely used in its usual form. Various lactic acid foods and cheeses are usually produced from it.

Nutrients from this type of milk are easily absorbed, therefore nutritionists recommend that it be included in the diet of the elderly and children.

However, it contains a large amount of fat, and therefore people who are prone to obesity should drink sheep’s milk or consume lactic acid products from it, diluting them with more water.

Composition and beneficial properties

Sheep’s milk is 1.5 times more nutritious than cow’s milk. It is rich in B vitamins and vitamin A. It is especially useful for pregnant women, children and adolescents. Sheep’s milk is famous for its strong antioxidant properties.

Therefore, with its regular use, the absorption of oxygen and nutrients by the cells of the brain improves, as a result of which the ability to memorize, concentrate and absorb information increases.

Sheep’s milk is a source of up to 10% fat and up to 20% dry matter. Compared to cow’s and goat’s milk, it contains several times more zinc and calcium.

The calcium salts in sheep’s milk are in an easily digestible form, and the ratio between phosphorus and calcium is ideal.

It is precisely for this reason that nutritionists recommend regular consumption of sheep’s milk as a means of treating and preventing osteoporosis.

In addition, the body’s calcium needs increase sharply after a cold. Zinc is necessary for maintaining the normal condition of the skin and hair, and also for raising the general self-esteem of the person.

Sufficient intake of zinc through food contributes to an increase in appetite. Due to the presence of this trace element in sheep’s milk, it is recommended to include it in the menu of people suffering from anorexia.

The proteins in sheep’s milk have a weaker allergenic activity compared to the proteins of goat’s and cow’s milk. Sheep’s milk is effective in bronchial asthma, eczema and other allergic diseases.

The protein content in this type of milk is 5.6%, and the calorie content of 100 grams of this product is 109.7 kilocalories.

Just one glass of warm sheep’s milk, drunk half an hour before sleep, provides a person with quality and deep sleep.

Contraindications to the use of sheep’s milk

Sheep’s milk and lactic acid foods produced from it should be excluded from the menu of people suffering from individual intolerance to it.

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