
The 5 earliest signs of pregnancy

When you’re trying to get pregnant, one of the hardest times is before you know if you’ve succeeded or not. However, there are ways that can help you make a guess even before it’s time for your next period.

You just need to be on the alert for the earliest symptoms and you will be sure that your body is a perfect system that detects even the smallest changes. Here’s what you should watch out for:

1. You have symptoms and feel like you’re on your period

Just six days after you conceive, the fertilized egg will attach to the uterine wall and you may experience some mild symptoms. This can cause light spotting and even some mild cramping, which many women don’t associate with pregnancy because they don’t think it can be felt until their next period.

2. You feel tired

About a week after conception, you may feel very tired, as if your eyes are closing. This unusual tiredness can be linked to the hormone progesterone. This exhaustion usually ends after the first trimester of pregnancy, but in some women it reappears in the second trimester.

3. Breast change

Just one to two weeks after conception, you may experience breast tenderness that makes you feel stronger even the pressure of your own bra. Watch for darkening of the areolas around the nipples, as well as the blood vessels.

4. Excessive emotionality

Due to the increased level of hormones in your body, as early as pregnancy you can feel your emotions like a roller coaster, ranging from one extreme to another. But don’t worry. As the pregnancy progresses, you will get used to the new higher hormone levels and feel better.

5. Feeling sick

About six weeks after conception (although it can happen even earlier), many women can start to feel nauseous and even throw up.

This is most often just called “morning sickness”, but it can happen at any time of the day or night. This goes away after the first trimester for most women, but there are a few , who never experience it.

Of course, the safest and most recommended way to find out if you are pregnant is to visit your gynecologist. He will examine your blood and urine and tell you for sure whether your family will increase by another member or not.

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