
The 7 Dimensions of Wellness – What Wellness Really Is

We’ve been hearing a lot about wellness lately, but many are still not very familiar with this concept and what exactly lies behind it. In short, wellness is the conscious choice process that a person makes towards a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

According to the World Health Organization, wellness is not only a state of absence of disease, but much more – it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

It is a process in which we consciously make numerous choices on a daily basis in order to feel good. Wellness is much more than being healthy – it is the constant process of improvement and improvement in physical, mental and social aspects.

Wellness is extremely important for every person who wants to achieve a high quality of life and strives for ideal harmony and perfection.

Wellness is a very important factor in life because it encompasses everything, even every thought and emotion that creeps unconsciously into the mind of every single person.

Every emotion and every action affects in some way the human body, which is a perfect system. That is why by positively influencing our feelings and emotions, taking the right actions, we build every day on a stable foundation towards a better future without stress and diseases.

Wellness teaches us to interact with the world around us in a completely different positive way.

There are seven dimensions of wellness: occupational, emotional, spiritual, environmental, physical, social and intellectual. Each dimension of wellnessis strongly interconnected with the others.

Each dimension is just as important in the pursuit of optimal health as any other.

A person can achieve an optimal level of wellness when they understand how to maintain and optimize each of the dimensions of wellness in their own lives.

1. Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is about understanding your own feelings and adopting an effective strategy for dealing with stress.

It is important to pay attention to self-care, relaxation, reducing stress in everyday life and developing inner resources so that you can learn and grow from your own experiences.

2. Physical Wellness

Physical wellness refers to maintaining a healthy body. Physical health is achieved by exercising, eating right, getting enough sleep (at least 8 hours), and paying attention to signs of illness and getting help when needed.

3. Environmental Wellness

Environmental Wellness encourages you to respect the delicate balance between your environment and yourself. It teaches you to respect other living things in our environment because it is as necessary as respecting yourself.

4. Social Wellness

Social wellness helps and encourages you to build a network of social contacts and an environment where you feel comfortable and at ease. It is also a support network where you can share with other people your own thoughts, feelings and understandings.

This dimension of wellness allows you to develop socially and not only encourages relationships with peers and friends, but also intimate relationships with a romantic partner.

5. Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness involves both opening your mind to new ideas and anything different, and continuing to expand your knowledge. Intellectual wellness encourages active participation in various cultural and social activities. This will make your life richer and more exciting.

6. Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness allows you to develop a set of values ​​to help you find meaning and purpose in your life.

Spirituality can be represented in many ways, for example, through relaxation or religion. But being spiritually healthy means knowing which resources to use to deal with problems that arise in everyday life you.

7. Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness is centered on enjoying your professional endeavors and appreciating your gifts and talents. This dimension of wellness promotes personal satisfaction and life enrichment through the work he performs.

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