
The 7 mental disorders during the study

College and university are places where young people start a new life.

But they can also fall victim to previously unnoticed mental problems such as depression, anxiety, or eating disorders.

Studies show that twenty-seven percent of college and university students experience some type of mental health problem, says Dr. Guy Napolitana, chair of the division of primary care at the Lahey Clinic at Tufts University School of Medicine in Burlington, Massachusetts.

Here are the most common mental disorders:

  1. Depression and Suicide Risk

Parents and students should know that suicide is the second leading cause of death in the students, with her holding on to untreated depression.

There are more than 1,100 suicides at US colleges and universities each year. According to the American Psychological Association, depression as an illness has increased about 10 percent in the past 10 years.

The best prevention strategy is to know that graduation stress can lead to depression, to know its symptoms and to seek help when needed.

  1. Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders – social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder and others are often found in the college-age population.

Seventy-five percent of people who have an anxiety disorder have symptoms before the age of 22. According to a recent survey of college students, 80 percent complained of constant feelings of stress and 13 percent were have been diagnosed with mental illness such as depression or anxiety disorder.

Among the symptoms are extreme stress and worry that they are inadequate to reality. The best way to deal with an anxiety disorder in college is to know the signs.

  1. Eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia

Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are among the typical problems of the follow-up period.

They come from the stress of being away from family and friends, which leads to eating disorder symptoms,” warns Dr. Napolitana.

The best way to prevent eating disorders is to ask for help if you develop unusual eating habits.

A recent eating disorder study found that 62 percent of college women have abnormal eating habits that can lead to a full-blown eating disorder.

  1. Self-injury: cutting

Cutting, burning, or otherwise injuring hidden places on the body are most common for people who self-injure in response to the stress and pressure they are under.

People who do it usually wear long sleeves and pants even in the summer, and often have “accidental” wounds. Various forms of self-harm are often associated with depression and eating disorders.

A study of college students conducted by researchers at Cornell and Princeton universities found that about 20 percent of women and 14 percent of men had engaged in some form of self-harm. Less than 7% reported seeking help for this.

  1. Drug and alcohol abuse

“Students most often abuse alcohol, but not a few and cases where they take narcotics, prescription drugs or stimulants that keep them awake for a long time,” Napolitana says.

This is among the major problems in colleges and universities, as it leads to accidents, sexual assaults, and high-risk sexual behavior. Studies show that 80 percent of students drink alcohol regularly, and 20% admit to abusing it.

  1. Sleep Deprivation and Insomnia

Insomnia can be a serious problem for youth during school and can lead to other ailments, both emotional and physical.

“Students usually have to share their dorm rooms and dorms with other people who have different lifestyles and schedules,” Napolitana says. Studying late, getting up early for lectures and partying can all lead to sleep deprivation.

  1. Memory problems

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder usually occurs before college, but many children may were able to hide or control symptoms of this condition in high school.

“Under the increased pressure of college and university, the symptoms of this disorder can become more distressing,” says Dr. Napolitana. Some colleges provide special help for students with learning and concentration difficulties.

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