
Chicken egg

Avian eggs are laid by females. Different types of birds lay eggs of different shapes, colors and sizes.
A hen lays 1 egg on average every 24-26 hours.

White eggs are laid by white hens, and brown eggs by red or dark-colored hens. In terms of nutritional value, white and brown eggs do not differ in any way.

The size of the eggs depends on the age, weight and breed of the hen. The most mature ones lay the biggest eggs.

Their size is also affected by stress factors – increased temperature in the place of cultivation, limited space, improper feeding, etc.

The color of the egg yolk depends on the hen’s diet. Natural colorings that are added to the food, such as marigold petals, make the color of the yolk more saturated.

Nutritional value in 100 grams

• Proteins – 12.7 grams;
• Fats – 11.5 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 0.7 grams;
• Water – 73.5 grams ;
• Calorie content – ​​159 kilocalories;

Chicken eggs satiate and satisfy feelings of hunger due to their high caloric content – 100 grams of raw egg contains 157 kilocalories. A boiled egg contains almost 159 kilocalories, and a fried one without oil – 175 kilocalories.

Chicken egg – useful properties

Chicken eggs – the only food that is absorbed by the body at 97-98%, leaving practically no toxins in the intestines.

Eggs are rich in proteins, necessary for the development and proper functioning of the body.

Chicken eggs contain all amino acids, macro and microelements necessary for humans – calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, iron, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, chromium, fluoride, mobile, boron, cobalt.

This food is rich in B vitamins /B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12/ it also contains tocopherol, ascorbic acid, cholecalciferol, retinol, axerophthol, biotin, etc.

Egg yolk is a source of vitamin D – especially necessary for those of us who spend little time outdoors /this vitamin is synthesized in human skin under the action of ultraviolet radiation/.

Vitamin D contributes to calcium salts being able to deposit in the bone cells and thus helps to strengthen the bone tissue.

In addition, the yolk contains iron, a mineral that a person needs to cope with fatigue and bad mood, as well as to prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

It also contains lecithin, necessary for normalizing the function of the liver and bile ducts.

This compound /lecithin/ is also an anti-sclerotic agent that strengthens brain functions and improves memory.

Lutein, which is also contained in the yolk, allows to avoid problems related to a possible weakening of visual acuity.

Choline /vitamin B4/, the best source of this substance is egg yolk, reduces the risk of developing breast cancer – the probability of the appearance of tumors decreases by 24%.

For this reason, oncologists recommend that women eat or consume 2-3 eggs daily with meals as a way to prevent breast cancer.

Egg white is no less useful for humans, as it contains B vitamins. In general, chicken eggs contain all essential amino acids and provide the human body with 25% of the daily required amounts.

Despite all the useful properties of eggs, they should not be abused, because the excess of protein, which is observed when consuming large amounts of eggs, is harmful to the kidneys – affecting blood circulation and harming health.

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