
What are the diseases with the general name – diseases of dirty hands

“Dirty hand disease” is a general name for a number of infectious diseases that are transmitted through poor hand hygiene.

The causes of the “disease of dirty hands” are viruses (hepatitis A, poliomyelitis, viral diarrhea), bacteria (typhoid, dysentery), parasites (amoebic dysentery, enterobiasis).

The main source of intestinal infectious diseases are people who are infected with the disease.

Most often they spread these diseases after using the toilet to defecate or urinate and then not wash their hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Among the most famous diseases of dirty hands are hepatitis A, typhoid, dysentery. Once spread by their carrier, these diseases can be easily picked up by individuals with slightly weakened immune systems.

Various viruses and bacteria can be the cause of many skin, respiratory and intestinal diseases. Diseases from dirty hands are very easily transmitted through contaminated objects, not only through direct contact or using a shared toilet.

Potential carriers of this group of diseases can be door handles, kitchen utensils, bath towels, clothes, toys, books and many others.

Rules to avoid contracting the diseases of dirty hands:

– Hands should be washed before eating, before and after using the toilet and in other similar situations. If hand washing is not immediately feasible (due to the lack of facilities, for example) not to touch the mouth, nose or eyes so as not to be infected by the contaminated fingers, until the hands have been thoroughly washed.

– Washing hands with soap and running water is a very important preventive measure. The hands serve as a direct and indirect route for the transmission of infectious diseases, and washing them reduces the risk of a person spreading the infection to other people.

– Do not use ordinary soap in public toilets and other similar places, because it may contain microorganisms that cause infectious diseases on the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to use liquid soap in a closed package in such places.

– To avoid contamination in places where many people wash, do not use ordinary towels, but only paper napkins. Another optionis to let the hands dry on their own.

– From an epidemiological point of view, dry surfaces are safer than wet ones. Also, the metal surface allows the survival of fewer infectious microbes. Also, items exposed to the sun are safer than those that have been kept in the shade.

– To consume only food whose origin is clear and during the production of which certain sanitary and hygienic conditions have been observed. The same applies to the processes of transportation, storage, handling and serving.

– Heavily contaminated objects must be disinfected or destroyed accordingly.

Children, as a population group, can be considered a vulnerable category when it comes to the spread of fecal-oral infections due to their psychological and physiological characteristics.

At the age of 1 to 5 years children explore the world, which is often the cause of ingesting harmful microorganisms, and the tendency to eat smaller meals more often during the day is also risky .

Thus, the probability of coming across contaminated food is greater. When they start school, children for the first time begin to take responsibility for their own hygiene, and this is difficult for them at first.

In the new school environment, they no longer rely on the constant care of their parents.

Hygiene measures for children

– First of all, a good foundation needs to be laid by adults who should show a good model of hygienic behavior for children to learn from.

– In kindergartens and schools, there should be mandatory access to hot water in toilets, liquid soap or hand sanitizers and separate toilets for boys and girls, which will encourage them to use them more often.

It is also important to monitor whether the little ones follow the certain rules of personal hygiene after visiting the toilet and to encourage them in good habits.

In situations of increased risk of infections it should be ensured that children use only disposable napkins and then dispose of them properly.

– Regularly follow the rules when preparing food and inspect its origin.

– Ensuring and improving the opportunities for children to buy and consume quality food even outside the school building.

Providing greater facilities for control in the school yard and near schools where children buy prepared foods.

– Continuous control of work surfaces where food is prepared.

– Regular and enhanced furniture hygiene measures.

– Control of waste materials remaining after feeding children in kindergartens and schools.

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