
What diseases do the unemployed most often develop?

From the results of the sociological survey among Americans who did not have stable incomes, presented by the research center “Gallup”, interesting facts are established.

Experts found that unemployment adversely affects not only a person’s financial situation, but also their health.

Based on the data they received, they found that one of the consequences of being without a permanent income is the development of obesity.

And the longer the respondents were out of work, the more the situation affected their weight and health.

Researchers note that employers do not hire overweight people to avoid additional health insurance costs.

In Bulgaria, a person’s body mass is in no way related to the payment by him and his employer of health insurance, therefore the data obtained within the framework of the sociological survey, to a certain extent, are not relevant to the state of the labor market in Bulgaria.< /p>

Overweight is often an indicator of health problems, and this also affects the quality of performance of official duties:

“Fearful of increasing the cost of occupational accident insurance, overweight applicants are practically rejected even before the interview with the employer. And so a vicious circle is created, from which it is almost impossible to get out. ” – the authors point out.

Analysis of the data showed that 22.8% of people who had recently lost their jobs were overweight.
But just a few months later, the number of unemployed people with obesity increased by 1.5 times.

Another disease related to unemployment is hypertension. People who had lost their source of steady income began to complain of blood pressure problems.

The experts who conducted the sociological study found that increased blood pressure occurred in people who were without food for more than 12 months. In addition, the unemployed suffered from elevated cholesterol much more often.

High cholesterol levels in people left out of work often became the reason for the development of cardiovascular diseases. All participants in the study had blood samples taken for analysis.

It turned out that the blood levels of this substance in unemployed people were almost 2 times higher than in employed people of the same age.

Within the framework of the sociological study, the way of life and the characteristic features of the organism of each of the participants were also taken into account.
But experts note that problems with body weight are one of the main reasons for refusing to accept a job in the United States states.

And therefore, in fact, these people turn out to be hostages of the situation. They gain extra pounds when they lose their jobs. But it is precisely this excess weight that causes the impossibility of them finding a source of permanent income again.

It should also be borne in mind that people after the age of 40 are at an increased risk of overeating, as they experience a sense of satiety very late. And because of this, their body weight increases at an average rate of 500 grams per year.

The age factor should also be taken into account when reporting data on illnesses related to short-term and long-term unemployment.

Because there is solid scientific evidence that the metabolism of young people is much faster compared to those over 40.

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