
What is the difference between cow’s milk and goat’s milk?

Many people ask themselves the question – “How much more useful is goat’s milk than cow’s?” In many countries around the world, goat’s milk is preferred over cow’s. Even in the US, the goat is more popular than the cow.

Bulgaria this is not the case, due to the relatively higher price of goat milk compared to cow milk. But goats eat less and take up less space, they don’t need large pastures, and one animal can completely provide the milk needs of a household.

In addition, goat’s milk is considered easier to digest and less allergenic than cow’s milk. What accounts for goat milk’s better reputation? For this purpose, we will compare these two types of milk in terms of nutrient content.

Fat – goat’s milk contains about 10 grams of fat in a 250 ml glass. compared to 8-9 grams in whole cow’s milk. It is much easier to find skimmed cow’s milk than goat’s milk. Unlike cow’s milk, goat’s does not contain agglutin.

As a result, the fat globules in goat’s milk do not stick together, making it easier to digest. Like cow’s milk, goat’s milk is low in essential fatty acids.

However, it has been found through laboratory analysis that goat milk contains more linoleic and arachidonic acids, which belong to the group of essential fatty acids. The ratio between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids is better in goat’s milk, for this reason it is much more easily digested by intestinal enzymes.

Proteins – under the action of stomach acids, goat’s milk forms a curd-like consistency, so the proteins it contains are digested quickly and easily. Theoretically, this rapid passage through the stomach makes goat’s milk very useful for children and babies who do not take cow’s milk.

Goat milk also has benefits when it comes to allergies. It contains only traces of the allergenic protein alpha-S1-casein, which is present in cow’s milk. Goat milk is more similar to human breast milk, but both cow and goat contain similar levels of the allergenic protein beta-lactoglobulin.

Scientific studies have not found a reduction in the incidence of allergies when feeding infants with goat milk. But in practice, mothers’ observations and research data contradict each other. Some women are convinced that their children tolerate goat’s milk better. Mothers are believed to be more objective about their children’s reactions than scientific research.

Lactose – goat’s milk contains less lactose /4.1% versus 4.7% in cow’s/. And this cannot help but be important for people with lactose intolerance.

Minerals – although the mineral content of goat and cow milk is almost the same, goat milk contains 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, and 134% more potassium and 3 times more niacin and 4 times more of the mineral copper. In addition, goat’s milk contains 3 times more of the antioxidant selenium compared to cow’s milk.

Vitamins – cow’s milk contains 5 times more B 12 than goat’s milk and 10 times more folic acid – 12 mcg. compared to 1 mcg in the goat. And the daily necessary dose of folic acid for children is 75-100 mcg.

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