
What the steps say about our health

Believe it or not, your feet are a good barometer of your overall health.

From annoying foot pain, to more serious problems like stiffness, your feet often show symptoms of various ailments long before any other part of your body.

Stubborn leg sores

If you have leg sores that are difficult to heal, you may be at risk of diabetes .

Elevated blood glucose levels over time can lead to nerve damage in the legs and sores that are difficult to heal.

If left untreated, it can lead to serious consequences, even amputation.

Cold feet

For women who suffer from cold feet, it could indicate a thyroid problem. It regulates temperature and metabolism.

Poor circulation is another possible cause of cold feet in both men and women.

The solution is to treat your thyroid gland if you have a health problem, or simply put your feet in thick woolen socks and slippers to keep them warm.

Thick, yellow toenails

If one or more of your nails start to harden, thicken, and change color, it probably means you have a fungal infection, living under the nail.

People with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and other immune deficiencies may be more sensitive than others when it comes to nails. Seek the opinion of a specialist or internist for care and treatment.

Big toe

If your big toe suddenly gets bigger, you may have gout. This medieval-sounding disease is actually a form of arthritis and is caused by a build-up of uric acid.

Why exactly is the big toe affected? Excess amounts of uric acid accumulate in that part of the body that has the lowest temperature. And this is precisely the big toe.

Tingling in both legs

If you experience constant tingling in your legs or if you lose sensation, this may be a sign of peripheral neuropathy. p>

This condition indicates that there is damage to the peripheral nervous system and can be caused by several things, but most commonly diabetes and alcohol abuse. Contact your doctor and explain your symptoms.

Sharp heel pain

Sharp heel pain may be a sign of plantar fasciitis. This is a condition where a section of connective tissue along the length of the lower leg is inflamed.

The pain is usually concentrated in the heel and worsens during the day. You must visit a doctor, and if you are a woman, give up high heels.

Leg Cramps

Sudden, one-off occurrences of leg cramps may be a sign of dehydration, or that you’ve worked hard at the gym.

But if you have chronic spasms in the limbs, this may indicate a lack of calcium, potassium, magnesium in your menu.

If you have frequent cramps, try stretching your legs before bed and eating more calcium-rich foods.

Joint pain

Joint pain in the toes may be a sign of degenerative joint disease or rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis first affects the small joints – in the wrist and toes. Pay attention if you often experience pain in them.

Dry skin

Dry, scaly skin on the feet can be a sign of ringworm, which is a fungal infection. Ringworm usually occurs between the first two fingers and usually starts as an itchy skin which then progresses to sores and blisters.

If you suspect you have ringworm, be sure to keep your feet clean and dry.

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