
10 symptoms that suggest a state of depression

In the United States alone, over 20 million people suffer from depression. Official statistics are not kept in Bulgaria, but according to various studies, the Bulgarian nation is one of the unhappiest in the world, which of course is not only related to financial well-being, but rather to the lack of a sense of security and perspective. Indians are poorer than Bulgarians, but on the other hand they are among the happiest.

It is important to take measures against this disease in order to deal with the unpleasant symptoms as easily as possible and also to reduce the risk of repeated depression in the future.

One of the important things is to recognize the symptoms of depression early and take action. The bad thing is that not all symptoms are easily recognizable. Here is a list of ten things to watch out for to catch the insidious disease early.

1. Fatigue and lack of energy

We all feel tired and drained at times, so fatigue alone is not necessarily a sign of depression. However, if fatigue persists for a long time and is accompanied by low mood and reduced motivation or interest in usual activities, this lack of energy can be considered one of the early signs of depression.

2. Insomnia

Insomnia itself also does not mean depression, but considered in combination with other symptoms, it is one of the signals. If you have suffered from depression in the past, think back to whether the problems you had with sleep then are the same as the ones you have now.

Pay attention if your sleep quality has suddenly deteriorated after a certain point. However, if you are under a lot of stress, it is normal to have sleep disturbances even if you are not depressed.

3. Too much sleep

Similar to lack of sleep, too much sleep can also be a signal of depression. It’s just that some people react to depression differently than others. So for example, depressed or not, the amount of sleep you need is 8 hours. If you sleep more every night the effect will not be better health for you. In fact, sleeping too long can be just as harmful as not sleeping enough.

4. Sudden changes in appetite and weight

If you experience sudden changes in appetite or a sudden change in weight, this may be a sign of depression. Under normal conditions, anyone can experience a temporary lack of appetite or an excessive desire for food, but if, for example, you gain or lose more than 5% of your weight within a month, this could be a signal for depression.

Notice if the change in weight is not accompanied by periods of about 2 weeks or more when you have no desire for otherwise favorite activities.

5. Unusual pains

Depression is often accompanied by unexplained and unusual pains in the abdomen, back, joints and muscles, neck or head. People rarely associate depression with physical pain, but it’s actually quite common.

6. Everything starts to look colorless

Your colors look gray and dreary, your music doesn’t cheer you up, your nature seems somehow deadly gloomy and lifeless. These are all symptoms that accompany depression.

Kind of a winter season in the mood. When depression is successfully dealt with, these feelings gradually subside and the colorfulness of the world around you begins again to impress you.

7. Burnout is very often a symptom of depression

If you tell the office that you are suffering from burnout or burnout after the stress of work in recent weeks, they will probably understand you better than if you say , that you have depression.

This is why very often we tend to lie to ourselves that we are overwhelmed by our work obligations, when the reason is rather that we have fallen into depression.

In fact, the very idea of ​​being tired of work duties that until recently did not burden you at all is one of the symptoms of depression.

8. Memory problem

We all have periods when we are carried away by problems at home and with loved ones. However, if it appears suddenly and for no apparent reason, then it is quite possible that you are a victim of depression.

Very often with depression there is something which scientists call pseudo dementia. It is a condition in which a person loses the sharpness of his memory as a symptom of the depression he is in.

9. Withdrawal from society

Very often one of the signals that show us that someone is depressed is the avoidance of social contacts and striving for self-isolation. This is highly inadvisable because there is an increased risk of a person taking their own life. That’s why all psychologists advise, no matter how depressed you are, not to cut off your social contacts. Meet up with friends, it will help you get out of this emotional hole.
10. Unexpected sadness.
Unexpected sadness can strike anyone. What distinguishes it from depression is its duration, intensity and cause. Depression can occur for no reason, cause intense sadness, and last for a long time. In contrast, normal human feelings and emotions pass quickly.

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